Why, of course they can throw her in with no whatever! After all, they themselves were thrown in just like that and managed to pull it off more or less successfully.
Besides, I don’t think it’s quite up to them anyhow: Bree stumbled into all this mess more or less on her own.
Seem like a bunch of “I’m-All-Right-Jack” hedonists to me. They’re all enjoying themselves with their glasses of wine and cuddles at their ‘social club’, while things in the Elven world and Delve go to hell in a handcart, with the Devourer, Orc wars, dragons running riot. And they just sit back and pass the buck to Bree/Jen. And they made Paige cry again. That never goes down well with Bree. Methinks Bree is going to explode very soon, with sneery old Morgana in the front line. Someone better do some smart talk, might quick.
“Feeling like Ralph Hinkley here without a User’s Manual.”
And no, it’s the blame of the previous administration, specially if they don’t fucking tell the new administration they even are the new administration…
I love the purple unicorn girl’s line. It doesnt try dodge or evade the truth that shes just another chick who wound up trying to keep a world from exploding or imploding. But that at the end of the day, the purpose, protecting life, opposing destruction. Guarding the innocent people, even if they arent the same as the greysiders, and their reality is.. debatable (i mean ours is too, people wont stop arguing about simulation theory, the aboriginal people of Australia consider our entire reality to be a communal dream. Etc etc) because at the end of the day it’s still a light within everyone, that drives to oppose entropy, that seeks to defeat destruction, that wants to heal and live. And whatever that light is truly, wherever it comes from. It is real. And it is worth keeping alive
Maybe you are familiar with a few of these lines:
“Nothing in the world is the way it oughta be. It’s harsh…and cruel…but that’s why there’s us…champions. It doesn’t matter where we come from, what we’ve done, or suffered. Or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world were as it should be, to show it what it can be. You’re not a part of that yet. I hope you will be.”
(Steven S. DeKnight, through mouth of Angel)
“Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.”
(Robert E. Howard, through mouth of Conan of Cimmeria)
You did a shitty job of it when it was your job, and when it got shittier, you handed it off to someone new without letting them know what the fuck was going on!
And if she hadn’t tracked your arse down, you probably would still not be saying anything…
I don’t think the passing was their idea. They seem to have limited control about when their job ends or who will get it after them. That said, I totally fault them for not explaining her the situation better/sooner, I’m sure they could do THAT.
Listen, I didn’t realize that cute elven girls with blue hair crying was some sort of trigger for overprotective me, but now I know. Nice work
It did hit me until this page with the two of them together in frame, but I find it an interesting contrast that Paige is wearing Jen’s clothes and Jen is essentially ‘wearing’ Bree.
I’d tell them they can take appointing me, and acting like they, or anyone, has the right to foist their shit off on me, fold it up till it’s all corners, then shove it so far up their asses they can taste it. Then I’d start killing them.
I may tend to play in games as if I was chaotic neutral/good. Some assholes act like they have more rights in MY life then *I* do, then you’d best expect to see what the evil side of the spectrum looks like. I can do both.
Why, of course they can throw her in with no whatever! After all, they themselves were thrown in just like that and managed to pull it off more or less successfully.
Besides, I don’t think it’s quite up to them anyhow: Bree stumbled into all this mess more or less on her own.
Seem like a bunch of “I’m-All-Right-Jack” hedonists to me. They’re all enjoying themselves with their glasses of wine and cuddles at their ‘social club’, while things in the Elven world and Delve go to hell in a handcart, with the Devourer, Orc wars, dragons running riot. And they just sit back and pass the buck to Bree/Jen. And they made Paige cry again. That never goes down well with Bree. Methinks Bree is going to explode very soon, with sneery old Morgana in the front line. Someone better do some smart talk, might quick.
I doubt many people would like Morgana’s attitude, but at least I feel she is trying to shoot straight with Bree.
Mala’s smile however suggests she got bree where she wanted her…
“Feeling like Ralph Hinkley here without a User’s Manual.”
And no, it’s the blame of the previous administration, specially if they don’t fucking tell the new administration they even are the new administration…
“all some kind of game” & “everyone I ever knew was just a piece on a board”
Looks guiltily at my 3D-printed D&D collection
I love the purple unicorn girl’s line. It doesnt try dodge or evade the truth that shes just another chick who wound up trying to keep a world from exploding or imploding. But that at the end of the day, the purpose, protecting life, opposing destruction. Guarding the innocent people, even if they arent the same as the greysiders, and their reality is.. debatable (i mean ours is too, people wont stop arguing about simulation theory, the aboriginal people of Australia consider our entire reality to be a communal dream. Etc etc) because at the end of the day it’s still a light within everyone, that drives to oppose entropy, that seeks to defeat destruction, that wants to heal and live. And whatever that light is truly, wherever it comes from. It is real. And it is worth keeping alive
Maybe you are familiar with a few of these lines:
“Nothing in the world is the way it oughta be. It’s harsh…and cruel…but that’s why there’s us…champions. It doesn’t matter where we come from, what we’ve done, or suffered. Or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world were as it should be, to show it what it can be. You’re not a part of that yet. I hope you will be.”
(Steven S. DeKnight, through mouth of Angel)
“Let teachers and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.”
(Robert E. Howard, through mouth of Conan of Cimmeria)
You did a shitty job of it when it was your job, and when it got shittier, you handed it off to someone new without letting them know what the fuck was going on!
And if she hadn’t tracked your arse down, you probably would still not be saying anything…
This isn’t ‘passing the torch’, this is ‘passing the fucking buck’!
I don’t think the passing was their idea. They seem to have limited control about when their job ends or who will get it after them. That said, I totally fault them for not explaining her the situation better/sooner, I’m sure they could do THAT.
Listen, I didn’t realize that cute elven girls with blue hair crying was some sort of trigger for overprotective me, but now I know. Nice work
It did hit me until this page with the two of them together in frame, but I find it an interesting contrast that Paige is wearing Jen’s clothes and Jen is essentially ‘wearing’ Bree.
I’d tell them they can take appointing me, and acting like they, or anyone, has the right to foist their shit off on me, fold it up till it’s all corners, then shove it so far up their asses they can taste it. Then I’d start killing them.
I may tend to play in games as if I was chaotic neutral/good. Some assholes act like they have more rights in MY life then *I* do, then you’d best expect to see what the evil side of the spectrum looks like. I can do both.
Translation for the last panel: “We’re all puppets, Paige. I’m just a puppet who can see the strings.”