Let me guess: they can’t bring the elves back from whatever place they’ve stashed them into? Yeah, that’s the problem with backups: you don’t really have them unless you’ve tested that you can actually restore from them.
Probably. Fairies said they spirited them to the “Other Side” the place “Between here and gone” which sounds a lot like the ‘Found’.
Perfect setup to send Bree deeper into the ‘Found’ so she can possibly meet back up with Yeena’s band and/or the Nogrog. Possibly meet Charlie and/or Syn’Di. Might even travel across different fantasy world’s including Branwell and Bregg’s.
Alternatively, the fae have discivered all the petrified people in the High Elve’s lands and its a journey there to meet Imuji and Sephni
That would be a problem…Another plot twist coming, methinks!
Meantime, love Paige’s expressions. Also Bree’s Spanish/Mexican influence outfit, front…and now rear. But I guess once she goes off adventuring again, she will change into something less regal…Will she wear the Orc collar and bikini again? Does Paige get the crown? Maybe not, as it was Bree/Jen who are supposed to be guardians of the Wood Elves.
As for ‘rescuing’ Sephni, we know her crazy friend is sitting on the High Elf throne, having turned all the inhabitants of the kingdom/queendom to stone! That could be rather awkward, maybe? I mean, technically that mission resolved itself, thanks, in part, to the bloodthirsty ‘Korean schoolgirl’. And mutual friend Carpria was the wicked power behind King Kindall, also rather awkward!
Bree isn’t totally a dumbass, to have got where she has, but she’s still working on a program that is way, way long passed its sell-by date.
We still don’t know what Seph did, nor why it only seemed to affect some and not others
And nothing was said about rescuing Seph, just find her (last Breen knew her was just before Sister Regent and her friends drove her off at spear-point)
And what’s this latest bollocks about the Dark Elf being behind King Kindall? It was that fuck dragon behind it all
Capria had Kindall sitting in his pretty throne and was running the country herself. My guess (based upon her actions) is that she wasn’t quite as much wanting to be caliph instead of the caliph (Iznogud dixit) as she was trying to somehow solve the SNAFU that she was left with.
Yeah, but that was after the whole Devourer crap (because Seph wanted his life spared, posted links in another reply, but hasn’t passed through Moderation yet)
Seph spared Kindall his life, in part because she was already a bit barmy herself, but also because she thought she was still ‘in love’ with him, despite he was a total MCP and bastard who was happy to have her tortured and devoured. She gave him over into Capria’s ‘care’, supposedly to be punished (Bree was in agreement, thinking of Capria as her friend also), whereas Capria apparently had her own motives to use a totally shell-shocked and cowed Kindall as her puppet to weld power over the High Elf Kingdom. Not everyone having the kind of moral compass Bree, Paige, or even Teal, might display.
As far as Bree is concerned with her then knowledge of Sephni having wandered off following the death of Tuul, “rescue” is still equally applicable to “find”, especially given Sephni’s mental state.
Second, Capria was the power behind Kindall’s throne, literally, see episodes 538/9. Nothing to do with the dragon who was in the Wood Elf domain, not that of the High Elves. Sephni then makes the pronouncement “And they all lived happily ever after” (Andy Hunter confessed the idea came from a throw-away comment by DeviantArt follower Fraex). Only Imugi was immune. Again see episode 540, Capria is turned to stone, so are the inhabitants of the monastery, but in episode 541 Prancy explained to Jane, when she says “everyone’s turned to stone”, he confirms “everyone else inside the borders of the High Elf Kingdom”. So, from both the picture image (pretty conclusive) AND Prancy’s story summary so far to Jane, there is no question of what happened, no ambiguity! And let’s not go muddling the time-line. Paige was NOT “sister Regent” back at the time following the encounter with the Mind Ripper, Bree and Jen were still separate, Bree was not aware their father was dead (episode 464) and was not yet crowned Queen of the Wood Elves (467). Nor was it Paige who drove Sephni away “at spearpoint”, but Miko and the Valryn girls, Paige had only just appeared (episode 461). At this point Apostyk the dragon had not made his appearance, only in Paige’s description of the attack on Highbranch. Again, the dragon was not “behind it all”, Kindall had his own motives to make war on the Orcs, having, presumably bumped off Sephni’s dad, the High Elf King (although he might have “faded”, as Kindall put it, of sorrow following his daughter’s kidnap.
Total nonsense. She was not supposed to spare his life to have him still sitting in the High Elf throne as King!! He was supposed to be punished, see Bree’s thoughts on the matter in episode 488. How can you say he is being “punished”, if the horrible Kindall is still sitting on the throne and issuing idiotic orders to wage the war against the Orcs, or leave the monastery on the border undefended? Doh! Of course Capria is the power behind the throne, note she was issuing orders to the Elf High soldiers, and it was she was wanted Seph eliminated, first by the Mind Ripper, then the Red Fang goons. She’s a Shadow Elf. The name says it all. She used Kindall to enjoy power herself. Just because she has boobs doesn’t make her on the
side of good. Perhaps her protests of still being Seph’s ‘friend’ was true, but Seph didn’t buy it. And stop picking on Paige. Given her previous encounter with the Devourer’s minions who had taken over her friends, of course she regarded Seph as having been ‘turned’. Seph herself was crazy by most standards, something Bree tried to avoid having to acknowledge.
And just when did Breen have the chance to check in with the Shadow Elves?
The orders were issued at least a week prior, so plenty of time to have been issued by Kindall himself before he got torc’d out of it
Just because she’s a Shadow Elf, that automagically makes her ‘evil’?
Talk about racist
She didn’t need Kindall to enjoy power, she is the Shadow Elf Queen!! She already has power!!!
As for him being punished, did you not take any notice of how he was doing when Seph finally arrived back home?
Surprisingly thougt-out move for Bree standards, that gives EVERYONE both what they want and what they need. Powergamer move. gg
Let me guess: they can’t bring the elves back from whatever place they’ve stashed them into? Yeah, that’s the problem with backups: you don’t really have them unless you’ve tested that you can actually restore from them.
Probably. Fairies said they spirited them to the “Other Side” the place “Between here and gone” which sounds a lot like the ‘Found’.
Perfect setup to send Bree deeper into the ‘Found’ so she can possibly meet back up with Yeena’s band and/or the Nogrog. Possibly meet Charlie and/or Syn’Di. Might even travel across different fantasy world’s including Branwell and Bregg’s.
Alternatively, the fae have discivered all the petrified people in the High Elve’s lands and its a journey there to meet Imuji and Sephni
Your last option is a good one, which Bree and Paige will have to face eventually, basically what the hell just happened in the High Elf Lands?
That would be a problem…Another plot twist coming, methinks!
Meantime, love Paige’s expressions. Also Bree’s Spanish/Mexican influence outfit, front…and now rear. But I guess once she goes off adventuring again, she will change into something less regal…Will she wear the Orc collar and bikini again? Does Paige get the crown? Maybe not, as it was Bree/Jen who are supposed to be guardians of the Wood Elves.
As for ‘rescuing’ Sephni, we know her crazy friend is sitting on the High Elf throne, having turned all the inhabitants of the kingdom/queendom to stone! That could be rather awkward, maybe? I mean, technically that mission resolved itself, thanks, in part, to the bloodthirsty ‘Korean schoolgirl’. And mutual friend Carpria was the wicked power behind King Kindall, also rather awkward!
Bree isn’t totally a dumbass, to have got where she has, but she’s still working on a program that is way, way long passed its sell-by date.
We still don’t know what Seph did, nor why it only seemed to affect some and not others
And nothing was said about rescuing Seph, just find her (last Breen knew her was just before Sister Regent and her friends drove her off at spear-point)
And what’s this latest bollocks about the Dark Elf being behind King Kindall? It was that fuck dragon behind it all
Capria had Kindall sitting in his pretty throne and was running the country herself. My guess (based upon her actions) is that she wasn’t quite as much wanting to be caliph instead of the caliph (Iznogud dixit) as she was trying to somehow solve the SNAFU that she was left with.
Yeah, but that was after the whole Devourer crap (because Seph wanted his life spared, posted links in another reply, but hasn’t passed through Moderation yet)
Seph spared Kindall his life, in part because she was already a bit barmy herself, but also because she thought she was still ‘in love’ with him, despite he was a total MCP and bastard who was happy to have her tortured and devoured. She gave him over into Capria’s ‘care’, supposedly to be punished (Bree was in agreement, thinking of Capria as her friend also), whereas Capria apparently had her own motives to use a totally shell-shocked and cowed Kindall as her puppet to weld power over the High Elf Kingdom. Not everyone having the kind of moral compass Bree, Paige, or even Teal, might display.
Where are you getting this whole “Capria was the secret evil-mastermind all along”?
Passing the torch or a hot potato?
As far as Bree is concerned with her then knowledge of Sephni having wandered off following the death of Tuul, “rescue” is still equally applicable to “find”, especially given Sephni’s mental state.
Second, Capria was the power behind Kindall’s throne, literally, see episodes 538/9. Nothing to do with the dragon who was in the Wood Elf domain, not that of the High Elves. Sephni then makes the pronouncement “And they all lived happily ever after” (Andy Hunter confessed the idea came from a throw-away comment by DeviantArt follower Fraex). Only Imugi was immune. Again see episode 540, Capria is turned to stone, so are the inhabitants of the monastery, but in episode 541 Prancy explained to Jane, when she says “everyone’s turned to stone”, he confirms “everyone else inside the borders of the High Elf Kingdom”. So, from both the picture image (pretty conclusive) AND Prancy’s story summary so far to Jane, there is no question of what happened, no ambiguity! And let’s not go muddling the time-line. Paige was NOT “sister Regent” back at the time following the encounter with the Mind Ripper, Bree and Jen were still separate, Bree was not aware their father was dead (episode 464) and was not yet crowned Queen of the Wood Elves (467). Nor was it Paige who drove Sephni away “at spearpoint”, but Miko and the Valryn girls, Paige had only just appeared (episode 461). At this point Apostyk the dragon had not made his appearance, only in Paige’s description of the attack on Highbranch. Again, the dragon was not “behind it all”, Kindall had his own motives to make war on the Orcs, having, presumably bumped off Sephni’s dad, the High Elf King (although he might have “faded”, as Kindall put it, of sorrow following his daughter’s kidnap.
Paige was the one who identified Seph (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/reinforcements/), and never said she was the one holding the spear
Capria wasn’t the power behind Kindall, she was there making sure he paid for what he did, and she promised Seph that she would spare his life (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/takebacksies/)
Total nonsense. She was not supposed to spare his life to have him still sitting in the High Elf throne as King!! He was supposed to be punished, see Bree’s thoughts on the matter in episode 488. How can you say he is being “punished”, if the horrible Kindall is still sitting on the throne and issuing idiotic orders to wage the war against the Orcs, or leave the monastery on the border undefended? Doh! Of course Capria is the power behind the throne, note she was issuing orders to the Elf High soldiers, and it was she was wanted Seph eliminated, first by the Mind Ripper, then the Red Fang goons. She’s a Shadow Elf. The name says it all. She used Kindall to enjoy power herself. Just because she has boobs doesn’t make her on the
side of good. Perhaps her protests of still being Seph’s ‘friend’ was true, but Seph didn’t buy it. And stop picking on Paige. Given her previous encounter with the Devourer’s minions who had taken over her friends, of course she regarded Seph as having been ‘turned’. Seph herself was crazy by most standards, something Bree tried to avoid having to acknowledge.
And just when did Breen have the chance to check in with the Shadow Elves?
The orders were issued at least a week prior, so plenty of time to have been issued by Kindall himself before he got torc’d out of it
Just because she’s a Shadow Elf, that automagically makes her ‘evil’?
Talk about racist
She didn’t need Kindall to enjoy power, she is the Shadow Elf Queen!! She already has power!!!
As for him being punished, did you not take any notice of how he was doing when Seph finally arrived back home?
“…and some have greatness thrust upon ’em.” Congrats Paige, like it or not, you made the big time.
For a second I thought the background in the first two panels was a very irregular wood plank fence, and now I can’t unsee it.
Thought the same thing