Psionics Apr08 by Wormius on April 8, 2016 at 2:37 pm Chapter: 10Characters: Bree, Lassa, Moonblade Melric shows off a hidden talent. Related Related Comics ¬ Net Gain Elfenvaar CSI Beast Lore Freaky Monday Makin’ Omelettes
Well I guess Bree’s male partners are useful for something.
Seems the guy has leveled up (“ding, gratz”, por citar a “The Noob”, a very hilarious take on this most serious matter that I cannot but help to recall at this moment), otherwise why didn’t he use that trick in page 2?
thought you were kidding..
Heh heh. I think he’s been editing his character sheet while the DM wasn’t paying attention.
He must be a riot at parties.
He doesn’t get invited to a lot of parties for some reason.
Whirrr can’t be good.
Something else someone doesn’t need clothes or armor for…
Though I prefer Bree’s version.
So this guy is Charlie’s father from “Firestarter”? I guess he looks a little like David Keith.
8) Glad you got the reference!
…The claw!
…couldn’t help it.
Wait! That’s the shallow end!… Oh..never mind!
Anyone else ever notice Teal looks a bit like Meg Ryan?
Heh heh 8)
Huh, the wizard’s not as good for nothing as I’d thought he’d be