A drag in the bag is better than a hag with a flag? Not sure I’ve ever seen a hag with a flag.
Better than a drone in the bone? A constant vibration in your skeleton would be annoying.
Better than a dray in the bay? Drays belong on streets, so yes.
Better than affray in the hay? I don’t know. Maybe some people like fighting in barns.
>A drag in tha bag is better than…
…a Baggins in a drag?
Heh heh 8)
Why do I see some impossible devouring by the ‘quirky’ Sephni, like one bite devouring dat bird like it’s thanksgiving.
Well, maybe because it’s Thanksgiving and that thing looks like a six-foot turkey?
There’s that little shit
Looks like the tranq didn’t work too good on Seph
“I feel like Chicken tonight, chicken tonight!”
Someone wanted to see Lizard sausage
A drag in the bag is better than a hag with a flag? Not sure I’ve ever seen a hag with a flag.
Better than a drone in the bone? A constant vibration in your skeleton would be annoying.
Better than a dray in the bay? Drays belong on streets, so yes.
Better than affray in the hay? I don’t know. Maybe some people like fighting in barns.
You’ve got a baby dragon? That all depends on how flammable the bag is. This coming back to bite you in the ass (literally).
I’m reminded of the play on words..
A snake in the grass is an asp
But a grasp in the ass is a goose
A drag in the bag is a baby
but a baby in the drag is a TIGER!
.. At least I thought that made sense.