Apologies again, everyone. It took me a while to track Mr. Hunter down after I discovered him missing from his cell.
I eventually found him somewhere on the Elemental Plane of Shadowiness where he seemed to be engaged in a rather heated debate with a dead negasquirrel. To his credit, he seemed to be winning the argument.
Finally getting a word in edgewise, I demanded to know when he was planning to draw another page of Delve. His response proved less than encouraging, composed as it was mainly of incoherent shrieking and mewling noises.
With the aid of several minions, I was eventually able to subdue our wayward artist and return him safely to the sanitarium. At least that’s what we’re calling the vermin-infested hole where we’re keeping him these days.
This is what we were eventually able to extract from him, following a rather intensive “therapy” session.
Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on in this episode, but at least it has a topless Bree, so, I’m not gonna argue.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Well worth the wait. I love the idea of the vortal.
nice work on this comic!
not complaining here, but a link would have been nice to include in your poll on gif animation topics.
First of all thanks to the DM, I’m sure the comic would be dead without him. Go shockwyrms! XD
Then, it seems to me that:
1. Bree is missing parts of her equipment, not just the boobs’ cover (nice) but also the shoulder pads (what’s a hero without mega-huge shoulder pads?!). I was also worried about Kelathuzak the Mindripper’s dagger but it seems to be summonable at whim.
2. She’s falling onto a pile of skeletons, what looks worrisome, and reminds me of that “something about non-organic material” issue that the adept mentioned.
Not to worry. Ptoot!
Am I the only one who thought the crotch would have been moved with it just “stuck” there like it is?
Those things in the background look like giant muffins. Also, whatever Mr. Hunter’s travails, we’re always happy to see his art.
Clearly, Bree after her last experience has entered a High Relm. That is a pocket dimension that is overseen by High Level Mages, such as our ever benevolent DracoMage. High Relm Often have an obvious entrance but not so obvious exit. Personally its where I keep the Ghosts of my Dogs Rosie and Bear. Often though, they are used to hold large summoned creatures who don’t return to there home dimensions, as Dragon traps, or Arch Fiends. It may also be useful to make them look like another part of a delve when in fact it is all one giant room. That high a level of Void armor should have crytex with it that can help her with the way out, but I have a feeling it’s been disabled. DM has really outdone himself on this one. I wonder if his High Relm has any Sexy Fireflies…I went to this party once…well, DM should probably tell that one…
The place seems mostly deserted, only those two in the background. Should make sneaking around alot easier.
finally it’s back..maaan! This take so long to update
I’m always glad when it does.
Bree is back!!
is this reverse vore?
I tried to sign up as a patreon. I set up an account but cannot find you on the site.
Yeah, never mind. Works fine now
AM, you sound a lot less malevolent than you did in “I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream”
? Are we down to once a month now? Or do we have to sign up on patron to find out what happens?
Sorry about the delays. I’m dealing with some personal issues right now that have effectively sidelined everything else in my life. I hate leaving you folks hanging like this, but it seems like every time I get a few minutes to work on Delve, some other thing blows up in my face and I have to run off and deal with that. I don’t want to be one of those guys that whines all the time about every little thing that goes wrong in their lives, so I haven’t said much lately, but… yeah… I’m still working on Delve when I can.
As far as Patreon, my last patron-supported post was this episode of the comic, posted back at the beginning of August. This is exactly why I chose the Pay-per post model on Patreon, so that no one would feel like they were being ripped off if something like my current situation occurred. I never want anyone to feel like I’ve moved all the good stuff behind some paywall or that I’m taking some monthly salary and just goofing off.
Anyway, sorry if I’m sounding all snippy or something. I’m really pissed about the situation too, and I want to be as transparent as I can without airing all my dirty laundry in public. Suffice to say, I’m just really tired of the situation, and something’s gotta give. For my part, I’m gonna try to be positive about it and all, “Once more unto the breach!” if I can. I really appreciate all the support you guys have given me, especially lately, and I really want to promise you all that things are gonna be better in the near future, but, seriously, I’m tired of being made a liar to the people I care about.
I’m at the bottom of a really deep fucking hole right now, and all I can do is keep clawing my way toward the light at the top. I ain’t giving up yet, and I hope that you don’t either.
My apologies. I hope I didn’t come across like I was criticizing. That was not my intent. I was curious and just wanted to know if there was another way to get to see more of the story. I really enjoy reading Delve and can’t wait to see what happens next.
Wishing you well and hoping your situation gets better! And once again I apologize if I sounded like I was complaining.
No worries! I’m mostly just mad at myself for not handling the whole situation better. I’m hoping to have the next episode up pretty soon.
Thanks for your patience.