…did she really expect it to work? “Being the top-guy-of-all is way too much administrative work, concede and let me become it, and I’ll make you the top-guy-of-war so you could concentrate just on fighting.”
Serves her right for missing Make Warrior Psychology 101, I guess.
She miscalculated. She doesn’t know he already serves a master and has no need of a second. Otherwise he might have said yes as his desire for revenge is strong.
Yep, and even then she didn’t know he could end the fight in a moment by skewering her rib cage with laser claws. She figured if he refused he would escape the grapple and she’d have time to fight further.
Only way I see her getting healed from this is if they’re revealing his ability to use magic, ‘cos while they might question the wounds, they can’t question her telling them about the magic.
Still… Just because that was the rules set down for Sark’s fight doesn’t mean this battle has a ban against magic and we still don’t know if they do allow healing of whoever is defeated or if it’s straight out letting them die.
“ban against magic (or outside help) in this fight”, by definition, does NOT mean “ban against healing (which does count as outside help, yet may even NOT be magical anyways) AFTER the fight”.
I doubt they ban healing after the fight, based upon IRL dueling to the death, which did, in fact, allow it. Basically, if the wining fighter wants the defeated one to be dead, dead, dead, should do a coup-de-grace while they are still technically fighting; otherwise he has given a “de facto” blessing to the healing.
Well I can’t say i didn’t see it coming.
Might be for the best though. Uniting all the green skins is all well and good, but the genocide? Not so much.
Clearly not yet dead. Seriously, life-threateningly wounded, out of the fight and at the mercy of Cherek’s next move? Indeed. Her survival or lack thereof depends of whether he coup-de-graces her in next panel or she is healed instead. If the former happens or the latter doesn’t she is a goner.
Personally? I think Cherek is gonna be ordered AGAIN by young Apostik to kill her on first panel of next page and will do it on second panel. So you are likely just off by one.
Replying to my own post, yeah
BTW, for anyone wondering WHY I say Renata is as good as dead if not INMEDIATELY healed even if Cherek doesn’t decide to coup-de-grace her, check comic 535 (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/the-gift/) if you have forgotten it and check the sound efect of panel 4 of this comic.
Make sense .
I kinda afraid to see next page because of whats his next move going to do to her if thats the case, hope it’s not brutal but I also hope she survived . So yeah
I just thought to think that the whole Delve progression might lend itself to a moral/ethical analysis, starting at least when Kendall showed up all those episodes ago and maybe before that.
Who are the good(ish) characters, who the bad(ish), what are their motivations, equivocations, strengths, accommodations, etc.?
Lordy, I betcha you could get a PhD dissertation out of that from Department of Philosophy somewhere.
There was an abysmally ignorant comment on one of Midnights comic as how artists and writers etc. do their work in their spare time and don’t need monetary rewards. So I posted this in response.
Yeah, those kind of comments are cringe worthy and clueless. In the beginning there were those who put their work up gratis because it was a new medium, they were the pioneers. Sluggy Freelance was one of the first that I know of. But the medium has changed dramatically over the years. There are still hobbiests and those trying to break into the comics arena, but there are a lot of highly talented artists, writers, colorist and others who rely on their work to put bread on the table. I don’t know how the revenue income from advertising works but every little bit helps. I’m a patron of about ten comics including Midnighs.. I’d do more but that’s about all my budget allows. So no, you don’t HAVE to fund these artists, but if you are a regular reader and enjoy the genre, regularly read and eagerly anticipate the next installment the consider giving a little back and become a Patreon of your favorites.
I’m fortunate to be in the position to support more than one. And it’s not just my favorites. I’ll also kick in to a new and promising artist and help them along. It’s a delight to see how one’s artwork evolve and improve over time. Tom’s Gunnergrieg Court is a prime example. TANSTAAFL!
…did she really expect it to work? “Being the top-guy-of-all is way too much administrative work, concede and let me become it, and I’ll make you the top-guy-of-war so you could concentrate just on fighting.”
Serves her right for missing Make Warrior Psychology 101, I guess.
She miscalculated. She doesn’t know he already serves a master and has no need of a second. Otherwise he might have said yes as his desire for revenge is strong.
Yep, and even then she didn’t know he could end the fight in a moment by skewering her rib cage with laser claws. She figured if he refused he would escape the grapple and she’d have time to fight further.
Only way I see her getting healed from this is if they’re revealing his ability to use magic, ‘cos while they might question the wounds, they can’t question her telling them about the magic.
Still… Just because that was the rules set down for Sark’s fight doesn’t mean this battle has a ban against magic and we still don’t know if they do allow healing of whoever is defeated or if it’s straight out letting them die.
“ban against magic (or outside help) in this fight”, by definition, does NOT mean “ban against healing (which does count as outside help, yet may even NOT be magical anyways) AFTER the fight”.
I doubt they ban healing after the fight, based upon IRL dueling to the death, which did, in fact, allow it. Basically, if the wining fighter wants the defeated one to be dead, dead, dead, should do a coup-de-grace while they are still technically fighting; otherwise he has given a “de facto” blessing to the healing.
Poor Renata. Sniff!
BTW, watch the video, guys: a real life story of a real life dragon… sorta. Pretty cool.
BTW, diamonds really should be cheaper. It’s only question of technology.
Well I can’t say i didn’t see it coming.
Might be for the best though. Uniting all the green skins is all well and good, but the genocide? Not so much.
Oooo dear , ouch
Poor her , well..RIP
Clearly not yet dead. Seriously, life-threateningly wounded, out of the fight and at the mercy of Cherek’s next move? Indeed. Her survival or lack thereof depends of whether he coup-de-graces her in next panel or she is healed instead. If the former happens or the latter doesn’t she is a goner.
Personally? I think Cherek is gonna be ordered AGAIN by young Apostik to kill her on first panel of next page and will do it on second panel. So you are likely just off by one.
Then again, we might be wrong.
Replying to my own post, yeah
BTW, for anyone wondering WHY I say Renata is as good as dead if not INMEDIATELY healed even if Cherek doesn’t decide to coup-de-grace her, check comic 535 (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/the-gift/) if you have forgotten it and check the sound efect of panel 4 of this comic.
Yeah, had noticed the ‘shadows’ under her skin
Well seems liek he cooked her insides. look at his fingers carefully. Seems liek heat coming off them right?
It means he popped those DRAGON NAILS look at the sound effect prior panel see glowing blue thats him popping them in to her lungs hence the KOF
Make sense .
I kinda afraid to see next page because of whats his next move going to do to her if thats the case, hope it’s not brutal but I also hope she survived . So yeah
That was not what meant by finding out if she was ticklish
That fucker dies, he doesn’t even deserve a painful death, just a forgotten death that no one even realise until they notice he’s not around anymore!!
Yeah! They could have been genocide buddies, what a jerk.
I just thought to think that the whole Delve progression might lend itself to a moral/ethical analysis, starting at least when Kendall showed up all those episodes ago and maybe before that.
Who are the good(ish) characters, who the bad(ish), what are their motivations, equivocations, strengths, accommodations, etc.?
Lordy, I betcha you could get a PhD dissertation out of that from Department of Philosophy somewhere.
She wouldn’t have done no genocide, she would have re-directed his murderous rage to a betterer direction
Or, as Warmheart would say, “Meep!”
Oh, so leading all the tribes to kill every last one of the wood elves is not a genocide? That’s good to know!
There was an abysmally ignorant comment on one of Midnights comic as how artists and writers etc. do their work in their spare time and don’t need monetary rewards. So I posted this in response.
Yeah, those kind of comments are cringe worthy and clueless. In the beginning there were those who put their work up gratis because it was a new medium, they were the pioneers. Sluggy Freelance was one of the first that I know of. But the medium has changed dramatically over the years. There are still hobbiests and those trying to break into the comics arena, but there are a lot of highly talented artists, writers, colorist and others who rely on their work to put bread on the table. I don’t know how the revenue income from advertising works but every little bit helps. I’m a patron of about ten comics including Midnighs.. I’d do more but that’s about all my budget allows. So no, you don’t HAVE to fund these artists, but if you are a regular reader and enjoy the genre, regularly read and eagerly anticipate the next installment the consider giving a little back and become a Patreon of your favorites.
I’m fortunate to be in the position to support more than one. And it’s not just my favorites. I’ll also kick in to a new and promising artist and help them along. It’s a delight to see how one’s artwork evolve and improve over time. Tom’s Gunnergrieg Court is a prime example. TANSTAAFL!