“Muted reptiles and amphibians provide new and previously unimagined taste sensations”…
Oops, seems we were thinking different things, this was “The Special” (only for special occasions), but it’s what came to my mind when I read your comment. Also with Chinese accent…
So, Journey To Blackfang then?
Just, leave the spear-dancer behind, she’s so concerned about the people in the cave, she can care for them: no more adventuring for her!
There may be limits on what she can do, and how often
Like, for example, she can only heal, and they have to still be alive, so bringing someone back from ash is not possible
I hope she turns into a loli at some point.
I just hope she didn’t lose her memory and stuff.
i hope so too.. cuz what did they just go thru,, for nothing, if she has no memory.?!! at least vague recollections of once was…
Dats a better start. 8>
*in offensive Chinese accent* “Who order da Phoenix & Dragon?”
“Muted reptiles and amphibians provide new and previously unimagined taste sensations”…
Oops, seems we were thinking different things, this was “The Special” (only for special occasions), but it’s what came to my mind when I read your comment. Also with Chinese accent…
… doesn’t look that plan of renewing the tribe with half-orc half-dragon babies will happen anytime soon …
Sorry 8)
Soy yo o me recuerda al nacimiento de los dragones de GOT? En este caso Bree sería kelesee ?
Hmmm… So a version of reincarnation? Or a Phoenix rebirth type spell? Either way got a little one to take along now!
Thanks sexy orc lady!
So cute! I want a baby dragon to sneeze in my lap so cutely as well! Though without the ash and blood. XD
Yep, me too. But if next page she turns and looks up at Bree and says “Mama” my ribs are going to need a reincarnation spell of their own.
“Ashes to ashes, fun to funny
Who knew Bree, was now a mummy!”
“Ashes to ashes, filth to filth
Who knew Bree, was such a MILF!”
That sounds better
Heh heh 8)
AWWWWW Who’s the cutest little baby dragon?
Seriously, there needs to be an Arka pin-up!
Yeah, where we can finally see her other enormous green boob uncovered. Showing us when she got her nipple pierced.
Well its been a while since Bree had something hot, red and serpentine between her thighs.
Well, when Bree said she could start over, I don’t think she had that in mind! That’s one hell of a reset switch! XD
Gotta start somewhere!
I hope Bree’s character arc is going to be better than Dany’s character arc.
Seriously, if someone offers me a Star Wars trilogy, Jen is gonna be like, “I just had the strangest dream!”
Just warnin’ y’all ahead of time. 8)
Methinks yon spirits are having a bit of a chuckle at our heroes expense.
“Haa ha, heeeee hee! Another round of spirits for us Spirits barkeep! *whisper* I just kill me!”
Oh, and for those who have been worrying about it, looks like her eye got fixed just fine
They’re tricky like that. 8)
Absolutely love this comic, Andrew!
Thank you! It means a lot to hear when people enjoy your work!
Well, that happened
Probably not what Breen (or Rack) were expecting
So basically she turn into like how “Teal” was ?
Or it’s different like she is reborn , isn’t it ?
Kinda somhow sad scene looking though …
A little different, but thanks for noticing the visual call-back!
Neat thing: you can see Rack’s horns in the ash in panel six
Glad you noticed!
So, Journey To Blackfang then?
Just, leave the spear-dancer behind, she’s so concerned about the people in the cave, she can care for them: no more adventuring for her!
If the orc woman is so powerful , why she hasn’t protected the other peoples from the fire ?
There may be limits on what she can do, and how often
Like, for example, she can only heal, and they have to still be alive, so bringing someone back from ash is not possible