So begins the next chapter of our story, as the last three survivors of the Valryn hunting party finally stop to rest. Poor Paige passed out a few hours ago, unable to keep up with Lyca’s pace as they fled the temporarily bound avatar of the Devourer.
Damina, however, isn’t in a mood to take it all lying down, and Thessali is still wondering when it would be a good time to offer the other girls their cloaks back… maybe she’ll just wait a minute… yeah, that would probably be best.
Thank you all for your patience as I took a much-needed break. I feel a lot better than I did a couple of weeks ago, and I appreciate everyone’s words of encouragement.
I love you folks and hope things are going well with you too.
Stay frosty y’all… or at least try to stay out of the heat. 8)
Sometimes the only way to win is to not fight, at least to fight on the terms of your enemy. Strategically withdraw then win on your own terms.
The hunt is over, they’ve got a new mission …
Damina is built, but doesn’t realize she is escorting the key to finding the heir of the Amulet of Kings!
…Wait wrong story…
Best vote reward we’ve had in a while <3
It’s the start of Winter here, so, staying out of the heat won’t be a problem (which is actually a big problem: got frost bite a long time ago and suffer from chilblains, specially the right hand and both sets of toes, which swell up so bad the flesh literally splits like an over-cooked sausage)
Had chillblains myself as a child..Oh dear heavens, that was sheer agony. They put blankets over my feet and it felt like they had shoved them into a charcoal grill. It wasn’t just hot, I thought I was literally having my flesh cooked. I remember screaming for nearly an hour.
For me, it’s like there are lava-worms burrowing through the flesh
Having the feet and hands get cold is no problem (apart from the swelling, makes writing difficult), it’s when they start to warm up that the worms become active, counterintuitively have to boil the hand to stop the swelling and the pain
And this is why, whenever I get the urge to take up mountain climbing, my toes curl up defensively, and I quickly change my mind. 8)
Mountain climbers are better prepared and wear appropriate gear, this happened to me as a kid delivering papers at 6-7am, had decent gloves butt while was able to keep left hand extra warm (tucking it under the arm or in pocket) couldn’t do anything for right hand (except tuck a few fingers into the palm, which is why the thumb and pinkie get it so much worse)
Eugh! Sorry to hear it. Not something I ever had to deal with growing up in Texas. Cold weather is inherently a little frightening for us, you should see how people react when it snows here, and, whatever you do, stay off the roads if there’s going to be even a trace of ice. It’s like Mad Max out there!
“If we died to that… thing, there would be no glory, no stories, there would be… nothing. It would be as though we never existed, everything we have done, our sisters we have lost, would have been as though they never were. That is why we ran, that is why we must find Paige’s sister!”
I heard this in William Shatner’s voice.
Can see why one would hear it that way, wasn’t intentional, butt can see that
whys that?
Because of… the pauses, just like… William Shatner… does
Or at least… the parodies of… Captain… James T…. Kirk
How did they go from an orc tribe back to this?
It is a scene change.
“Meanwhile, a significant distance away …”
One thing that’s kind of interesting here is that, not long after the introduction of these characters, I was inspired to create a character similar to them on the persistent world NWN2 server I play on. Pandora was, in many ways, written to be like a lost member of the Valryn. Like them, she placed no value on her own life, instead only valueing the thrill of battle, or the pleasure of the flesh.
Over time, other characters taught her to value herself more, and she’s now taken steps on the path to become a healer and protector. I find it fascinating that, as she’s developed and grown, so to have the characters that inspired her, and seemingly in not entirely different directions.
I’m glad you could find some inspiration in the Valryn, and I’ve been looking forward to showing how they’ve changed since we first met them.
You weren’t running away like cowards, you were… You were making a “tactical withdrawal”. Does that sound better?