Thank you all who joined me for my first Livestream drawing wherein I inked this piece. It worked far better than I had anticipated and was a lot of fun. I’ll definitely do another one soon, and I’ll try to give some advanced warning so more folks can join me next time.
Ohh, that’s either quite a magical necklace or quite a kiss. Maybe both!
I find it more worrisome that she knew she could do that. They defeated the Devourer who was pretty dang powerful, mayhaps some of that power ended up in the now vore-obsessed princess and/or the necklace. At this point, I would worry in many different levels if she invited you to dinner. Someone ‘may’ be on the menu, the princess…someone else…you? All with the ability to bring whoever it was back for dessert. Yikes.
and after some thought, if it’s the necklace, then it may be a new artifact (or artefact for those on the other side of the pond). If so:
Means of destruction: Strap to the grill of a Buick and hire a short and skinny, scraggly-haired, ring-obsessed Uber driver to drive it into a volcano.
Heh heh 8)
She wasn’t damaged in any way, merely oxygen deprived, and for only a few minutes. No different from almost drowning — mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is the way to go.
Mouth-to-Mouth is how you get herpes, man. Generally you want some form of one-way barrier valve. Hell, even a towel is better than straight mouth-on-mouth action. And you don’t get much oxygen in that way anyhow.
What I’m getting at is that while it’s fine for a perverted princess in a fantasy comic, it’s not recommended irl in any first aid situation. Take it from a guy who does this sort of thing for their job.
>Mouth-to-mouth doesn’t give oxigen
>” Take it from a guy who does this sort of thing for their job”
As a guy who ACTUALLY does this sort of thing for his job, I’m laughing my ass off
If you were actually a “smart” ass you would’ve noticed the comic depicts a kiss, not full-on CPR. Doesn’t take being an EMT to understand how that doesn’t transfer enough oxygen to be meaningful, either.
Mouth-to-mouth only gives about 20-30% oxygen, which is enough to get by on, but not ideal. With mask and BVM, you get about 50%. With mask, BVM, and an O2 tank, you get the ideal 100% oxygen.
I never said mouth-to-mouth gives nothing. I said it doesn’t give *much* oxygen, and if the victim hasn’t been breathing for a good 7 minutes in the supposedly hypoxic belly of a dragon that 30% O2 ain’t gonna do much, much less magically revive them with one puff.
Sylvrwolflol: how often do you have any of those things when you absolutely need them? Like, at the scene of a roadside crash?
You are also ignoring the fact the same princess who kissed the dead barbarian back to life managed to completely heal a rogue who face-planted a tree off it’s roots
In this case, it was a literal ‘Kiss of Life’ rather than a figurative one
She wasn’t damaged in any way? Looked like she had a couple of 7 inch fangs buried in the small of her back to me. Meh. Comic strip… with magic. With magic anything is possible so I’ll stop whinging.
About 2 or 3 TWC incentives ago, it showed Chasta in the dragon’s gut and she definitely was wounded.
You can see some of the wounds on her breasts in panels 2 and 3. Looks like she was completely healed by the kiss, though
here’s the link to that voting incentive if you missed it:
Hmm… Seems there is no #13, unless it’s labelled differently (like #131-1)
No 38, 56, 67, 75, 92, 95, 108 or 110
Believe may just be a loading error as it also couldn’t find 143, and actually got that at the time
Okay, found out what happened to #13: it’s labelled as ‘131’ (which explains #131 being labelled ‘131-1’)
Thank you for that link, will use it later to fill in the gaps of missed invotives
Maybe you’re onto something there! Perhaps it’s the residual energies enabling the Princess (or perhaps wearer of the necklace) to eat concepts… like death? Then again, it could also be regurgitating “life” that had once been consumed… which somehow seems more likely.
But did she know? She looks rather amazed in the last panel.
Perhaps she just wanted to kiss a corpse.
She is simply taken back from Chasta’s reaction
That and having lizard man (or is he a Kobold?) Dong flapped at eye level. I know she likely appreciates chowing down on a good sausage but once you have a Bratwurst you dont go back readily for chipolata.
Bloodier than I imagined from the inking livestream. What is actually quite good in fact.
As for the music: it all depends of what music you like: rock is fine, techno is not. I just can’t stand techno: I’d kill people for imposing that shitty “music” on my ears. Other genera I strongly dislike: opera, flamenco, reaggeton, most pop. Stuff I like a lot: punk, hard-core… for example I love Suicidal Tendencies, if you play ST, you can put it as loud as you want.
Heh heh, yeah, hate that techno, heh heh… (quickly minimizing my DAW window and whistling innocently)
That sounds ominus, Wormius.
Well if a good looking girl kissed me like that… I come back from the dead to.
Music’s your choice. It was quite neat to hear the swishing and clicking of the pen on the tablet, heh there was one part where it sounded like you were shaking the ball bearing in a rattle paint can
Hah, glad you liked the noise. I thought it might be annoying. Maybe I’ll be an ASMR artist yet!
Ecstasy of Gold? Nah, man … Fragments of Gold! Play that instead …
Fragments of Gold? Nah lets bring back the end of the 80’s in true Amiga style, Xeon 2 Megablast….aw yeah!
Ah, DJ Pretzel, we had some good times, didn’t we?
I’d just like to note that advanced warning for the next stream would be greatly appreciated. The RSS notification rolled in at 6:33 am for me, and I don’t tend to be awake at that time without having planned for it. I’m glad it went well for you, though.
an NO love for “KeLaMoon.”
I got tired of clicking character tags, so I decided to only tag them if they spoke through the blade. Never fear though, we’ll be visiting the blade souls next. 8)
Well yeah, you haven’t actually had any deeds, yet
This is the first real live dragon seen in generations, and you became a titty-snack
Stick with your new friends and you will have those old slayers saluting you in no time
Chasta was only mostly dead
Beat me to it.
Insert little “thumbs up” icon here.
More implications on how Sephni might have changed…
Um, what happened to lizard-boy’s robes? That there is some serious costume malfunction.
If you only had one pair of robes, would you really want to get it covered in dragon blood? He probably took it off to keep it clean.
She is an elf *princess* in world where magic exists, is common for elves to be good at healing and princesses to have more magic ability than most. It doesn’t have to be anything to do with a “magic item”, Selphi could just naturally be skilled in magic and as part of her royal upbringing she also got the best in tutors including mages.
Guess she’s lucky that dragon never learned to chew before swallowing…
Reptiles can’t chew, that’s something only mammals do among terrestian vertebrates. They can tear and they can shake you to death but not chew: they lack molars (or any other specialized teeth).
The bite marks of the first bite, where Chatsa was impaled by several teeth (ep 341) vanished. The are not obvious, one in each boob and one below that in her rib cage (panel 2 and 3). So there was some kind of magic involved, even if there was no visible effect. They are more visible on Bonus174.
You’re technically right Eldoran. I can’t deny that. They should actually be in her body at least before Sephni’s magical resucitation happened… but…
Biting is not chewing, and not being able to chew has nothing to do with what teeth they may or may not have butt how their jaw works: reptiles can only open and close, they have no side-to-side motion (which is where the chewing comes from)
the blade’s going to change hands me supposes
Um, Tuul? Why’d you take off your clothes?
He hasn’t had a chance to find a good dry cleaner, yet.
They laughed at you? Well of course they laughed at you. You got owned in rather spectacular fashion you silly git. High marks for bravery though.
“They laughed at me….”
Well, you have to admit…it was pretty funny.
I laughed atcha too, they ain’t special.