I wonder if the even knows how to fight dirty? Her fighting style appears to be formally trained (also implying she wasn’t always a sword) and her expression seems to indicate confusion and surprise that her fancy formal combat training is completely ineffective. Given her rather arrogant, snobby, condescending personality, I’m sure she assumed that her combat training would easily defeat some silly amateur streetfighting Rogue. Clearly she failed to read her Delver’s Handbook where it said that Rogues get huge bonuses to Dodge and dirty fighting style.
Pretty much shows what you know. It’s just as much a weak spot as it is for guys. Had a cousin who went through a phase where she thought it was funny to randomly sack guys. Till I boxed her. She went down same as any guy does. She also never did it again. It’s even worse if you use the toe.
I dunno if I’d say AS weak a spot. I mean, all the nerves are there, but they’re more on the inside instead of dangling down, out in the open, in a convenient package along with other vulnerable parts to boot (punderful). I’d say the guys have more to lose… but a solid strike to either will still hurt enough to make you crumble and feel like death. I guess horrible pain is horrible pain, so no sense in splitting hairs.
Oh. Lotsa nerves. And every one, and the clit, being mashed up at kick force, against the pubic bone. That’s ‘can’t see through the pain’ kinda hurtin. As I said. She never did it again, or should I say, I was the last guy she did it to that I know of. She found out that in my world, equality means you get the equal right to get treated just like I would treat a guy that attacks me. You’d be surprised the random violence women think they have the right to use on guys, slaps, kicks in the nuts for lolz, and all the other shit we are supposed to just suck up and take, doesn’t happen when people know that’s how it is in your world. You don’t hit me, I wont hit you. In fact, she’s the only girl I have hit, or kicked, I guess, the case being.
Need to update your medical knowledge, a solid hit on a woman there is actually running high odds of killing her, far more so than for a man. Which is why the one episode of King Of The Hill was epic fail as Bobby kicking his mother there and her not reacting was completely contrary to reality.
I suppose the Moonblade spirit will be okay, even after that…As the great Betty White has been known to say (& I’m paraphrasing): “When someone is pointing out the cowardice in another, why do they say ‘grow a set of kajones’ anyway. Those are far too sensitive to injury. I say, ‘grow a vagina,’ because those things can take a real pounding.”
Oh, good! I was worried the first panel of today’s strip might look something like this:
(Bree and Moonblade are lying on either side of the combat area, exhausted and panting, scratched and dirty, hair disheveled, etc. both unable to continue)
Bree: Wow, that fight seemed to go on forever! I’m done, how ’bout we call it a draw?
Moonblade: Agreed….you are a more worthy opponent than I thought….as long as you never, ever tell anyone about the part where we….
Bree: I won’t tell if you won’t! (giggles)
Moonblade: (Looks at Bree sternly)
(silent pause)
Bree: You know, we could have got rich selling tickets to that fight. I bet an audience would have *loved* to see that!
Moonblade: (confused) Why would anyone pay to see two naked women rolling around on the ground together?
Bree: (rolls eyes)
(silent pause)
Bree: So, was it good for you? (grins)
Moonblade: (glares at Bree even more sternly)
and so forth
Of course, that would have confirmed that Wormius is Chaotic Evil and hates us all, so fortunately that’s not what happened.
So it is a battle of wills. Prissy Moon Blade VS Hardened Bree. Bree has been eaten shot at poisoned nearly cooked and had her friend kidnapped. She has survived in the Deep mostly on her own and lost her friend Teal in a fall that nearly ended her. She is going to make short work of this pampered soul in a sword.
I expect Bree to win, but I don’t expect Moonblade to go down that easy. If anything, she is too prideful to give up until the point when she can’t possibly fight any more. Since they’re apparently on the spirit plane ( or something) not sure how much damage you have to do before that happens.
Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that the moonblade’s previous wielder died because the blade was throwing a hissy fit about not being used in a totaly honorable fassion and that perhaps Bree is a kind of “penance” for it’s failure to act the first time
Sure it does. At least in real life. Hot people, particularly hot women, are regularly allowed to get away with *way* more asshole-ish behavior than the rest of us can. Of course, in the Delve, hot women seem to be in no short supply, so it probably doesn’t help as much there, and Bree probably wouldn’t care anyway.
The Moonblade does not know which is the goal nor background of Bree: all she knows is that she’s a backstabbing rogue who hangs around with psycopathic nagas and naked nogrogs. Bree does not suspect either that the Moonblade is involved in a previous episode directly related to her own quest. They probably should talk more, right?
I know how the previous wielder died I just feel like the blade was somehow involved in making that situation worse. Clearly the blade has situational awareness and a telepathic link with it’s wielder. I could see the sword not actin as quickly or not warning it’s wielder if it had been feeling slighted somehow… the sword is pretty snotty and wow did i go down the nerd hole quickly here lol
Welcome to the nerd hole down here with the rest of us!
I don’t think the sword had any conflict with its previous wielder – in the strip I liked above, its last remark seems to express sympathy/affection for her. Just because it is a dick to Bree, doesn’t mean it can’t get along with anyone, there are plenty of people who would be of similar alignment who it would be compatible with. Bree found it in a hole – The previous owner probably chose it, or it chose her, or both.
Since they are in the spirit world. I suspect that they are going to brawl for another panel or two but then they are going to attract the attention of some soul ratting creature in which case the thief and the sword are going to work together and bond a bit.
Will the moonblade go down bree’s level of fighting or stay on the high road hrm.
I wonder if the even knows how to fight dirty? Her fighting style appears to be formally trained (also implying she wasn’t always a sword) and her expression seems to indicate confusion and surprise that her fancy formal combat training is completely ineffective. Given her rather arrogant, snobby, condescending personality, I’m sure she assumed that her combat training would easily defeat some silly amateur streetfighting Rogue. Clearly she failed to read her Delver’s Handbook where it said that Rogues get huge bonuses to Dodge and dirty fighting style.
If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying hard enough.
She’s fine that part of a lady can take a pounding. A punch in the Boob not so much.
Pretty much shows what you know. It’s just as much a weak spot as it is for guys. Had a cousin who went through a phase where she thought it was funny to randomly sack guys. Till I boxed her. She went down same as any guy does. She also never did it again. It’s even worse if you use the toe.
A toe ? Dam that is mean.
I dunno if I’d say AS weak a spot. I mean, all the nerves are there, but they’re more on the inside instead of dangling down, out in the open, in a convenient package along with other vulnerable parts to boot (punderful). I’d say the guys have more to lose… but a solid strike to either will still hurt enough to make you crumble and feel like death. I guess horrible pain is horrible pain, so no sense in splitting hairs.
Oh. Lotsa nerves. And every one, and the clit, being mashed up at kick force, against the pubic bone. That’s ‘can’t see through the pain’ kinda hurtin. As I said. She never did it again, or should I say, I was the last guy she did it to that I know of. She found out that in my world, equality means you get the equal right to get treated just like I would treat a guy that attacks me. You’d be surprised the random violence women think they have the right to use on guys, slaps, kicks in the nuts for lolz, and all the other shit we are supposed to just suck up and take, doesn’t happen when people know that’s how it is in your world. You don’t hit me, I wont hit you. In fact, she’s the only girl I have hit, or kicked, I guess, the case being.
Need to update your medical knowledge, a solid hit on a woman there is actually running high odds of killing her, far more so than for a man. Which is why the one episode of King Of The Hill was epic fail as Bobby kicking his mother there and her not reacting was completely contrary to reality.
Oh really?
I suppose the Moonblade spirit will be okay, even after that…As the great Betty White has been known to say (& I’m paraphrasing): “When someone is pointing out the cowardice in another, why do they say ‘grow a set of kajones’ anyway. Those are far too sensitive to injury. I say, ‘grow a vagina,’ because those things can take a real pounding.”
Oh, good! I was worried the first panel of today’s strip might look something like this:
(Bree and Moonblade are lying on either side of the combat area, exhausted and panting, scratched and dirty, hair disheveled, etc. both unable to continue)
Bree: Wow, that fight seemed to go on forever! I’m done, how ’bout we call it a draw?
Moonblade: Agreed….you are a more worthy opponent than I thought….as long as you never, ever tell anyone about the part where we….
Bree: I won’t tell if you won’t! (giggles)
Moonblade: (Looks at Bree sternly)
(silent pause)
Bree: You know, we could have got rich selling tickets to that fight. I bet an audience would have *loved* to see that!
Moonblade: (confused) Why would anyone pay to see two naked women rolling around on the ground together?
Bree: (rolls eyes)
(silent pause)
Bree: So, was it good for you? (grins)
Moonblade: (glares at Bree even more sternly)
and so forth
Of course, that would have confirmed that Wormius is Chaotic Evil and hates us all, so fortunately that’s not what happened.
There is one rule to fighting. Just one. Walk away. The condition of your opponent is irrelevent as long as you are the one who walks away at the end.
Zack Tilly! The only one who cares is the one who lost
So it is a battle of wills. Prissy Moon Blade VS Hardened Bree. Bree has been eaten shot at poisoned nearly cooked and had her friend kidnapped. She has survived in the Deep mostly on her own and lost her friend Teal in a fall that nearly ended her. She is going to make short work of this pampered soul in a sword.
Hopefully not too short – I won’t complain if this fight stretches out for at least a few more strips
There will be no stripping, they are already naked…
Despite popular misconceptions, hitting a woman in the groin will put her on the ground just as it would a man.
Bree used Cuntpunt. It’s super effective!
That’s my girl: fight dirty, show her the way of Chaos! Mwahahaha!
I expect Bree to win, but I don’t expect Moonblade to go down that easy. If anything, she is too prideful to give up until the point when she can’t possibly fight any more. Since they’re apparently on the spirit plane ( or something) not sure how much damage you have to do before that happens.
Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that the moonblade’s previous wielder died because the blade was throwing a hissy fit about not being used in a totaly honorable fassion and that perhaps Bree is a kind of “penance” for it’s failure to act the first time
The moonblade’s previous wielder died because she was betrayed and stabbed in the back by Kindall.
Since the sword was pissed about this herself, one wonders why it is not more cooperative with Bree’s efforts to get revenge on Kindall.
Probably cause it’s just an ass.
Well, she does *have* a nice ass, is that the same thing?
Just cause the prissy ass has a nice ass doesn’t mean it gets off from being an ass.
Sure it does. At least in real life. Hot people, particularly hot women, are regularly allowed to get away with *way* more asshole-ish behavior than the rest of us can. Of course, in the Delve, hot women seem to be in no short supply, so it probably doesn’t help as much there, and Bree probably wouldn’t care anyway.
The Moonblade does not know which is the goal nor background of Bree: all she knows is that she’s a backstabbing rogue who hangs around with psycopathic nagas and naked nogrogs. Bree does not suspect either that the Moonblade is involved in a previous episode directly related to her own quest. They probably should talk more, right?
I know how the previous wielder died I just feel like the blade was somehow involved in making that situation worse. Clearly the blade has situational awareness and a telepathic link with it’s wielder. I could see the sword not actin as quickly or not warning it’s wielder if it had been feeling slighted somehow… the sword is pretty snotty and wow did i go down the nerd hole quickly here lol
Welcome to the nerd hole down here with the rest of us!
I don’t think the sword had any conflict with its previous wielder – in the strip I liked above, its last remark seems to express sympathy/affection for her. Just because it is a dick to Bree, doesn’t mean it can’t get along with anyone, there are plenty of people who would be of similar alignment who it would be compatible with. Bree found it in a hole – The previous owner probably chose it, or it chose her, or both.
Out of curiosity, did anyone else notice the well placed lightning?
Yeap. I thought it was a visualization of the Ow.
Perhaps in the spirit realm, the realm itself reacts to the pain inflicted upon its inhabitants?
Should have known a sword could not fight well with a bipedal body.
I’ve noticed most women fight fairly dirty. You’d think it’s to even the field with men, but they tend to be WORSE with each other.
Since they are in the spirit world. I suspect that they are going to brawl for another panel or two but then they are going to attract the attention of some soul ratting creature in which case the thief and the sword are going to work together and bond a bit.
There are no rules in a fight that involves death …or two hot chicks fighting