Thank you all so much for your feedback on my questions regarding the future of Delve. I enjoyed reading through all the comments, and it really filled me with a sense of how much the comic has impacted others and what the lives of these characters mean to you all. Thank you.
I’ll admit that I felt a lot of anxiety in the past few weeks as we approached the end of Bree’s quest. I knew that the story had really gone off the rails, so to speak, and that was my failing as a storyteller, but I also feel that the story had to go to a really strange place to ever escape the death spiral that Bree’s narrative was in. The characters are all aspects of my life, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and their story is my own. In the past few years, I’ve spent a great deal of time, as Randy Travis would say, “Diggin’ up Bones,” and, rather than lay them all to rest, I think I’m finally ready to build some kinda awesome Bone Golem monstrosity and unleash it upon the world.
And so, I think Delve is due for a change of scenery, and maybe some new adventures that perhaps make a bit more sense, at least on the surface. Bree has got her rescued princess, but now what? And what about those other people that seem to have gone missing from the plot? Where are they?
So, yeah, Bree’s story will continue after this, but, this time, she knows exactly where she intends to go. I can promise though, that getting there won’t be easy.
Seems Moonie has learned her lesson.
And now is teaching it around.
Nah, she’s still a bitch
That was not her lesson: her lesson was to learn to be her own master.
Indeed, if he needs you but you don’t need him you just have to be selfish. Selfish is good. I’m selfish all the time! :p
Oh, wow, Blue Gal/Blade has remembered the good if unwelcome advice Bree gave her and is passing it on, paying it forward. (I’d provide the episode number, but can’t find it at the moment.)
Bravo, bravo! Let’s see where this goes.
That’s Moonie
> I’d provide the episode number, but can’t find it at the moment.
Found it: p.242, last couple of panels
We accept her
We accept her
One of us
One of us
I always liked Moonblade and her evolution…
I think it would have been neat if MoonLassa was a pink and blue lightsaber…
But that’s none of my business…-sips tea-
I can make lightsaber noises while I draw them, I suppose.
Oh, man! Am I late to make a sugestion on the future of your comics, sir? Well, if I am, better late than ever!
So, in case it is decided the next story should continue/take place in the same world as this comic, I would like to know more about the cat empire. That place looks really crazy yet intriguing all at once!
Whatever project the future holds, however, I do request something. Something that is indoubitably the wierdest, most shocking request that has ever, EVER been made in the history of this comic:
Please, no porn next time.
I have a really wierd relationship with this comic. If the story had been filled with shameless lewdness from day one like, say, Oglaf, I would not have followed it until now, but by the time the first nudes appeared, I was already hooked with the whole “Bree has one year to find a mysterious magical item and give it to the snake woman or she’ll die” plotline.
So…. I guess it should be taken as compliment to the author’s writing skills that I chose to stay despite being taken so out of my zone.
Naked tits (and other bits) does not equal Porn
It’s called “softcore pronography”. Pornography without penetration or sexual congress, but still made to arouse the viewers.
Yes, it’s a thing.
Heh heh, I’m not sure how much more we’ll see of the empire in the future, but I think Phawkes is due for a visit in the near future. I do hope Prancy’s not too angry with him!
While the possibility of doing something non-nudish in the future certainly exists, I think we’re going to stick with Delve for a little while yet to tell the story that needs to be told here, and Delve is, at its core, a bit racy. 8)
And already side story opens up. Lost in a card game? Just what sort of owner was he?
I think they touched on it when the DM introduced the ‘voidrage armor’ to Bree. Not sure what episode.
That would be
Kelathuzak the Mindripper’s dagger – he lost the dagger in a game of Wizard’s Holdem – makes me wonder – they call the poor girl in the dagger ‘Kel’ – did DM turn Kel into a girl and put him/her inside it?
Nevermind, re-read the dialogue with moonblade. Clarified for me.
“Paradimensional scabbard”
Hmm. Google translate “scabbard” from English to Latin and see how it matches up with what the panel shows. (I think I got that from one of the later Heinlein novels.)
As for paradimensional, paratime, parawhatever, I dote on those.
OK, Moonblade has done the harsh, dare I say sharp, commentary. Now it’s time for Lassa to provide the sweetness that only she can do. Teamwork, gals, teamwork!
So happy to hear that Bree and the gang’s story will continue. But be warned! I have heard from more than one author how characters, stories, or both can take on a life of their own and jump out of the tightest outline into uncharted, unanticipated territory. There be DRAGONS! Oh, wait, we’ve already got those…
Dragons, you say…
Damn straight, Wormius! Some of us been around for months, and ain’t goin’ nowhere cuz we love the story (and the characters… and their .. *ahem* .. characters!). You keep goin’, and I’ll keep readin’!
Same here
And, as anifreik above said (/wave), many an author has found their characters have ‘hijacked’ their story and taken it on journey(s) they never imagined when they started, and long-time readers just cling on and (mostly) enjoy the ride
So, matter no what you do, you will have me along wherever it goes (that… may have been more of a threat, just ask around about me
Much appreciated!
Seem to have forgotten how to view the previous invotive (clicking the small image of the bound Bree just takes me to the latest invotive)
There should be a hint in the text below the icon.
Have attempted to change the name of the URL, butt either that doesn’t work, or am simply not clever enough to figure out the correct name (most likely the second is the correct reason)
What sort of critter is Kel based on? The head seems rabbity, butt the tail doesn’t
Had to look them up, butt no, chinchilla are more mouse-like, and the ears don’t match
Not a big deal, was just curious
I agree that the chinchilla’s not a fit, but it was the best one I could think of. Maybe a jackrabbit?
I’d say a horse, but not in the typical centaur way, which is half and half but in the halfkin-demifurry way maybe.
No, horses have a MUCH longer face. We’re looking for something more along the lines of a rodent or lagomorph. There may be others with a similar facial structure that also has a tail like that.
The tail can only be horse’s. The face length is not important because it’s a hybridization with humanoid and, as she’s not furry, double-hybridization, so mostly humanoid. She even has more than one finger, go figure!
Facial structure’s FAR more important than the tail for figuring out species. The difference between a dinosaur and non-dinosaurs during that time is the number of holes in the skull behind the eyes. The difference between a rodent and a lagomorph? The fact that lagomorphs have 2 sets of perpetually-growing incisors rather than 1. The difference between a rabbit and a hare? Leg length and nesting habits. And no, the tail can’t only be a horse’s. It looks like a hare’s tail to me.
Are we discussing fantasy characters created by artists or real animals created by nature? I mean: seriously!
Equines don’t really fit, since they do actually have the same 5-finger structure that we (and most mammals including whales) have. But, I’m getting the feeling that this is all moot anyway.
So we have one saying equine, and one saying lagomorph. I’m wondering more if the question will actually get answered.
Artists draw inspiration from somewhere. We both have our reasons for our suggestions, but I think that Robert Frost would be appropriate here: “We dance around the edge and suppose, while the truth sits in the middle and knows.” It’s very possible (even likely) that I’m overthinking things, which I have a bad habit of doing.
I’m guessing her aspect was accidentally voted by us in one of the DM’s “riddles”.
I don’t think I’ve come up with a name for his/her race yet. I suppose I may have to eventually.
> She even has more than one finger, go figure!
Her hands are interesting. A thumb on one side, a large middle finger and then on the other side something that looks like a thumb/finger hybrid. I suspect that would be at least as practical as the human thumb + four finger arrangement. QWERTY keyboards would need some redesign.
Great work! This has been such a fantastic reading experience so far! I really, really like the way you draw! With simple yet sophisticated drawings (without unnecessary clutter) with a fantastic setting and a crazy story line. It can’t get better
Though the future looked bleak for a while when (if memory serves me right) you were sick, moved, computer died, sick yet again etc. I’m glad you got out of that hole.
As for the future, I’m a bit concerned about the princess. It seems to me that she is having a few fries short of a happy meal… whether this is because of the treatment she received while kidnapped or if she was like that from the beginning is unclear.
I would like to see Bree get her own prince (or princess – I’m not fussy) as long as it isn’t any of those dorky adventurers.
I’m really looking forward to the ending. Then I will re-read everything in one go
Sephni was broken as shown in the page I’m linking to and the next few pages from there:
Could I have said that any MORE verbosely?
That’s exactly my point! Re-inserting her into society will be a delicate challenge. Society may never recover…
Thank you! As for me, things have definitely gotten better in the past few years. Things were pretty dark there for a while, but I think I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, and that’s way better than being stuck at the bottom of a nasty dark hole. 8)
Not without a degree in political law.
Phew, I just reread the whole thing and finally I am able to understand what happened.
In fact, aside from Bree and Moon Blade I only remembered Teal (because she’s on the Patreon pic, but I forgot her name, too) and Paraxyss (because of her hilarious fetish of talking about getting gutted).
Bree’s adventure has been quite erratic what with all the rapid scene changes and things happening between pages. E.g. moon blade and pink snake lady getting put into a torture chamber after their sparring matches could’ve used some transition. Or those hunter-ladies have been interesting, but they also were rather irrelevant and a distraction from the main plot, so when their arc was over, some recapping would’ve been nice to get a reader like me back on track.
And most notably I hadn’t understood Kindall’s final situation (endless dying and reviving), because I had looooong forgotten what Sephni’s necklace was for, and even when rereading it almost escaped me that Kindall stole it from her. The first time I read the scene where Bree killed Kindall and he just came back again I was already in a phase where I just mindlessly kept going and waited for everything to make sense again. And obviously I also hadn’t understood why Sephni came back out of the lava, so I just thought “eh, it’s a fantasy setting, maybe some ritual magic was applied to her, because she’s not supposed to kill herself before the sacrifice, and it’ll be revealed later”.
And since I didn’t even remember why Kindall and Sephni were important (or what their names were) I didn’t even bother to try to find it out myself or to even ask around.
Anyway, now that I know what’s been going on I believe that you do know how to think up interesting and intriguing storylines, but I also see that it requires practice to tell them in small chunks without it – as you called it – going off the rails. So I’m curious what you’re going to think up next, now that you’ve gained enough experience points to level up.
As for how Delve should continue I don’t have an opinion aside from that I would’ve been against straight up porn, too. If I want to watch porn, I go to a porn site. If you want to link your porn, then that’s fine as well and I’d likely check it out. But the comic should remain a comic.
Thank you! I think I’ve got a better grasp on the story now and how to tell it in a fashion that makes a bit more sense, but I suppose we’ll all have to see if I really do or not. 8)
Youtube link is dead
Oops. Thanks for letting me know.