Good plotting! This is where the disparate stories tie back together, and where DM’s contest wherein literally everyone in the story could get smushed comes into play. I am looking forward to that, as I don’t know how the vote turned out, but it’ll much have to be a battle royale with cheese.
I just recently discovered this comic. Really digging the art style and the personality. I was curious about your comment though. Are you saying that there was a contest where people voted on a character in this comic to eventually die?
Not just one. Try pretty much ALL the secondary characters. And it wasn’t a popularity contest either, it was a “odd numbers live, even numbers die” type thing, and only Wormius knows how it all shook out.
Ah, actually some bad guys do but just don’t care – in literature take Highsmith’s Ripley, in movies American Psycho … they only care about being caught, but are aware to be bad guys and do not care about this; psychopaths unfortunately are real.
@T: While you are correct that there are a number of Villians in literature and other media (Batman’s The Joker comes to mind) who identify as evil, and undoubtedly real world examples exist, they are few and far between, and the harm they can inflict limited in its scope. Contrast to those who believe themselves to be doing the right thing, such as the various inquisitions and witch hunts of the middle ages and rennasance, which saw the torture and burning alive of thousands of people, many innocent of any wrongdoing, having been pressed into confessing under torture, or by the testimony of those who would stand to gain by their downfall.
The greatest Evils are not commited by those who would see Evil done, but by those who would unquestionly seek to defeat it.
You are right, sadly. Just thinking of the prosecutions, executions and wars started in the faith of doing good makes me sick and weep. There are some really sickening ones on at this very moment. And everyone involved thinks they are not villains – the others are.
By the way, rare means in terms of psychopaths about 2% of society; most of those function normally as they are surrounded by systems, which provide boundaries, values and checks. What keeps worrying me is population growth: The more people the more bad gus, psychopaths. The more of those the larger the chance they meet and get into systems, where the wrong kind of boundaries are set. Add to this higher connectivity over networks … the internet has me worried, I should get of the computer right now.
While the population is growing, so is our understanding of psychology. We’re getting better at recognising the warning signs, and the more connected we are, the greater the chance that someone will step in before anyone does something stupid. Take a look at the news. All those tragedies that shock the country and even the world, 30 years ago wouldn’t have even made the front page. It may not seem like it, but we are living in a golden age of safety and prosperity.
Oh, it is the golden age for most people and things are getting better. Safety is very good in the developed world and most of the rest, better than it ever was for about 80% of the world. But I don’t think that psychology is keeping up with the growth and technology, as it is a very underfunded and under appreciated science (psychologists are not treated well in relation to other scientists). Hence, the potential of psychopaths networking, migrating and things going (locally) down the crapper is a risk that is growing. We don’t have a real handle on connectedness and growth yet and have only started to see some effects – this is all still very new (10-20 years).
Not hearing about something 30 years ago has a lot to do with connectedness and technology, which is getting better and more available. News has been getting into areas it could not go and we hear about things that we would not have 30 years ago. But how much attention do we pay? How much news can we handle – there is so much going on that I loose track of it. So I go with statistics, but that is also a flawed approach as I loose the fine detail. Looking at those and some projections gets me worried. I guess we will have to wait and see.
I know I am a huge fan of Vore but… Eating a rat alive isn’t very safe, they can shew their way out of your stomach! You should only eat things that don’t have natural weapons.
At first I thought Pinkie pretended to eat the rat to demonstrate it and then she spat it out and gave it to Moon-Moon. But then i noticed that the rat isn’t covered in saliva and saw the little bulge in Pinkies stomach (Panel 5) and the second rat looking at it in fear. Cool Stuff.
Oops! Thanks for the catch. That’s what happens when I paint the background before laying in the flat colors. If the background color is too close to the color of what should be in a small filled area, I sometimes won’t notice that I haven’t filled that area yet. SHould be fixed now.
That was cousin Pearly. He was part of the Sackville-Breggs branch of the family, but Beddigan never really got along with them because of their habit of discussing politics loudly at every family gathering.
kk so stopped reading this for a while (nothing you did! my hard drive took a dump, and life got ahead of me yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, and then I finally refound this and remember it!) but im back and still loving it, still upset that my favorite rat mouse dude is a yellow ghost thingy, but meh, wouldn’t be the first time I watched a fav character die or become otherwise not entirely themselves…at least he got a cool form…also I totally love the pink lass now accompanying them (and was psyched moons there actually was the reason she was brought along) something about some o’ them serpent gals…or maybe its just how you draw them…yeah that’s gotta be it…and shes flipping pink…come on…
did I…did I monologue? my apologies….just psyched this comic is still a thing!
Naga! yes that’s the name of them, cant believe I couldn’t remember that at the time…
You really can’t expect anyone to leave this comic and stay gone long, I mean if boobs were all you had to draw people in, maybe, but the comic is solid gold IMO (I am not a boobs guy, hips and rumps do it for me)
Pinky is adorable.
Pinkie and Moonie are adorkable. Hopefully they survive the coming battle.
I’m growing rather fond of them myself. I like her much better as not a blade that I keep screwing up the proportions on every time I draw it.
Good plotting! This is where the disparate stories tie back together, and where DM’s contest wherein literally everyone in the story could get smushed comes into play. I am looking forward to that, as I don’t know how the vote turned out, but it’ll much have to be a battle royale with cheese.
I just recently discovered this comic. Really digging the art style and the personality. I was curious about your comment though. Are you saying that there was a contest where people voted on a character in this comic to eventually die?
Not just one. Try pretty much ALL the secondary characters. And it wasn’t a popularity contest either, it was a “odd numbers live, even numbers die” type thing, and only Wormius knows how it all shook out.
….Wow. Thanks for the information.
As I interpreted it, more like voting for someone to LIVE. but essentially, you are correct.
Just can’t wait… XD
Those rats apparently also have no sense of self-preservation, running around a naga!
But there are crispy drakon chunks EVERYWHERE! You can’t pass up a feast like that!
No, dude, I’m betting she’s the most un-evil slime girl who ever lived.
It occurs to me suddenly that this is the first time Moonblade has ever eaten. She doesn’t seem to have the hang of it yet…
well, remember who is calling her evil. the servants of the vore god who capture beautiful young girls to have them eaten alive
Evilness is therefore subjective?
Yes. Yes it is.
Noone sees themselves as the badguy.
Ah, actually some bad guys do but just don’t care – in literature take Highsmith’s Ripley, in movies American Psycho … they only care about being caught, but are aware to be bad guys and do not care about this; psychopaths unfortunately are real.
@T: While you are correct that there are a number of Villians in literature and other media (Batman’s The Joker comes to mind) who identify as evil, and undoubtedly real world examples exist, they are few and far between, and the harm they can inflict limited in its scope. Contrast to those who believe themselves to be doing the right thing, such as the various inquisitions and witch hunts of the middle ages and rennasance, which saw the torture and burning alive of thousands of people, many innocent of any wrongdoing, having been pressed into confessing under torture, or by the testimony of those who would stand to gain by their downfall.
The greatest Evils are not commited by those who would see Evil done, but by those who would unquestionly seek to defeat it.
You are right, sadly. Just thinking of the prosecutions, executions and wars started in the faith of doing good makes me sick and weep. There are some really sickening ones on at this very moment. And everyone involved thinks they are not villains – the others are.
By the way, rare means in terms of psychopaths about 2% of society; most of those function normally as they are surrounded by systems, which provide boundaries, values and checks. What keeps worrying me is population growth: The more people the more bad gus, psychopaths. The more of those the larger the chance they meet and get into systems, where the wrong kind of boundaries are set. Add to this higher connectivity over networks … the internet has me worried, I should get of the computer right now.
While the population is growing, so is our understanding of psychology. We’re getting better at recognising the warning signs, and the more connected we are, the greater the chance that someone will step in before anyone does something stupid. Take a look at the news. All those tragedies that shock the country and even the world, 30 years ago wouldn’t have even made the front page. It may not seem like it, but we are living in a golden age of safety and prosperity.
Oh, it is the golden age for most people and things are getting better. Safety is very good in the developed world and most of the rest, better than it ever was for about 80% of the world. But I don’t think that psychology is keeping up with the growth and technology, as it is a very underfunded and under appreciated science (psychologists are not treated well in relation to other scientists). Hence, the potential of psychopaths networking, migrating and things going (locally) down the crapper is a risk that is growing. We don’t have a real handle on connectedness and growth yet and have only started to see some effects – this is all still very new (10-20 years).
Not hearing about something 30 years ago has a lot to do with connectedness and technology, which is getting better and more available. News has been getting into areas it could not go and we hear about things that we would not have 30 years ago. But how much attention do we pay? How much news can we handle – there is so much going on that I loose track of it. So I go with statistics, but that is also a flawed approach as I loose the fine detail. Looking at those and some projections gets me worried. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Awesome happenings in the background.
I know I am a huge fan of Vore but… Eating a rat alive isn’t very safe, they can shew their way out of your stomach! You should only eat things that don’t have natural weapons.
At first I thought Pinkie pretended to eat the rat to demonstrate it and then she spat it out and gave it to Moon-Moon. But then i noticed that the rat isn’t covered in saliva and saw the little bulge in Pinkies stomach (Panel 5) and the second rat looking at it in fear. Cool Stuff.
I also noticed that Pinkies boobs got slightly bigger after eating the rat.
(moon) whats that noise !
(pinks) you’re hungry you need food. oh !
(moon) what are you?
(pinks) like this.
(moon) Wha-
(pinks) ‘gulp’ your turn
(moon) but i ‘mmmffhh’
(pinks) just swallow it .
(moon) urgh I cant stop my gag reflex
(pinks) What’s a gag reflex?
(Cultist) *thinks* Man! I bet that Pink chick would be fun at cultist kegger parties!
Love this XD
i just notice that in panel 4 and 6 Bree has yellow teeth and in panel 1 and 3 she has white.
Oops! Thanks for the catch. That’s what happens when I paint the background before laying in the flat colors. If the background color is too close to the color of what should be in a small filled area, I sometimes won’t notice that I haven’t filled that area yet. SHould be fixed now.
… and there goes Beddigan – or was it his cousin?
That was cousin Pearly. He was part of the Sackville-Breggs branch of the family, but Beddigan never really got along with them because of their habit of discussing politics loudly at every family gathering.
He even caught one trying to make off his his silverware once.
Yup, he had it coming, that scoundrel!
Thanks for the page.
Glad you like it!
I just realized how long I’ve been reading this comic. Since Lairin’ Around in 2012. Been a hell of a ride so far man, thank you.
Heh heh, thanks for sticking with it. Glad you’re enjoying the ride!
kk so stopped reading this for a while (nothing you did! my hard drive took a dump, and life got ahead of me yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, and then I finally refound this and remember it!) but im back and still loving it, still upset that my favorite rat mouse dude is a yellow ghost thingy, but meh, wouldn’t be the first time I watched a fav character die or become otherwise not entirely themselves…at least he got a cool form…also I totally love the pink lass now accompanying them (and was psyched moons there actually was the reason she was brought along) something about some o’ them serpent gals…or maybe its just how you draw them…yeah that’s gotta be it…and shes flipping pink…come on…
did I…did I monologue? my apologies….just psyched this comic is still a thing!
Good to have you back! The naga are glad to see you again. 8)
Naga! yes that’s the name of them, cant believe I couldn’t remember that at the time…
You really can’t expect anyone to leave this comic and stay gone long, I mean if boobs were all you had to draw people in, maybe, but the comic is solid gold IMO (I am not a boobs guy, hips and rumps do it for me)
Shawarma ! Fresh meat! Bon appetit!
At least Moonie tried fresh, raw, live, furry rat