The familial traits are: she’s brave when she needs to be (specially when friends are in danger), and she’s smarter than she looks (plus, she fights better naked )
Offtopic : By the way guys , some sad news . Anyone remember this webcomic?
The Keep on the Borderlands” ?!.
The author or creator censored his whole comic 5 days ago ?.
It’s a tough call these days. You show a nipple in your comic, and suddenly 80% or more of your potential exposure just disappears. It really sucks for somebody trying to find an audience to have so many doors slammed in their face for fear of potentially “offending” somebody… somewhere.
If I were starting Delve today from scratch, the idea of making a NSFW comic and trying to get it seen… well, it would be a pretty discouraging route ahead. Especially if you hadn’t intended to make hardcore porn the focus of your comic, you’re not going to have much traction on more explicit forums, so what do you do?
It’s a tough decision, and I don’t blame people for having to make compromises. It’s a strange time we live in, and the offended Karens of the world are running rampant in the imaginations of community managers everywhere. From their point of view, it’s easier just to cave in and say, “No presenting nipples!”
Keep on the borderlands comic started on 2013 and had nudity (even full frontal nudity scenes instead of only nipple like take look at this page for example !) before this 2020 censorship . Such weird . Who censor their comic in 5 years ?!?while the violence and other mature content stays on ?!
Ugh.. But yeah .. oh well ?
And yeah I’m happy it’s ain’t your problem , I am fan and love nudity in webcomics like how yours is ..
Suggestion : And by the way , since that comic got censored , should you remove it from your friend”s link list (from that bottom right of this page ) ? Because … you know? Or it’s ok like this ?
Are you telling Wormius to remove a link because of the one-panel-pixilation?
Or because you ‘fear’ you will no longer get to see free bugbear bewbies? o_O
You are aware that at least three other linked webics don’t feature naked bewbies, right?
Because The Keep on borderlands comic had nudity without censorship since 2013 to 2018, don’t you remember or noticed ? , so that’s why I said that , but it was just a suggestion anyway ..
It was one panel, on one page, to paraphrase the author: if you don’t like it, fuck off
Admittedly, it did seem, to me, a little ‘odd’ that he pixelated the nips rather than obscure them (like he did in another panel, where her arm is covering her bewbs), butt that is his choice
Said: if you are only there for the sex, or the blood, or the violence
Personally, for me, the story is the important thing, as for KotB, started reading that because that was one of two modules had back in he late 80’s when started playing AD&D 2ed, really enjoying how he writes his story based on how the dice roll, just like a real campaign (fairly sure he still ‘fudges’ things a little: wouldn’t make a story if every PC died in the first encounter {trust me, that can happen})
As for forced censorship? Yes, would be against that, just like am against forcing an author to do things your way, no matter what way it is
Pointing out errors, making suggestions on what you would like to see is fine, butt going to another authors site and telling them (no matter how ‘polite’) that they should cut ties with someone who did something you didn’t like is seriously not okay
No one forced warriorneedsfood to pixelate the druid’s bewbs (and if you had been voting, you would have seen that he didn’t show her bewbs in the invotive either)
Admittedly, it did seem ‘odd’ that he pixelated instead of doing what he ended up doing, butt rather than make such a huge fuss about it and accuse him of turning the story, his story, into SWJ-censorfest butt politely suggest alternatives would have been the correct way to do it. And accepting his decision no mater what it was
Hmm, don’t know what to say , but I guess you make some fair point and probably agree ?.
And about that force part .
Well I’m not sure , but if you look at this page comment section :
He responded to that person about why he started censoring it , so his response was this :” I have had more than one person tell me that the comic was too lewd for them to keep reading. And if I want to share this comic with people in the real world, it’s a little weird when there’s sholngs on front page. And I have a Patreon page now and if you want to see the Spartacus version you can see it there in high res for a dollar a month. And to be honest, I think it’s funny.”
He received many private messages about censoring his comic ?
So that’s why I feel like he was forced , isn’t it or it’s not?
Smart move Paige, your sister will be proud of you
Honestly, hadn’t noticed the title of the page when made that comment
The familial traits are: she’s brave when she needs to be (specially when friends are in danger), and she’s smarter than she looks (plus, she fights better naked
That lost brooch will come back later in the story.
Probably (she is going to need something to keep the cloak on), butt not everything is going to be a Chekhov’s dildo
man how many years has it been since we’ve heard that line? Fortunately Paige is smarter than that rat.
Heh heh 8)
Always felt the Valryn feet (hooves?) should be a different colour…
Yeah, people have been commenting about that, and honestly, I can’t remember why I was doing them that way now.
It really depends on if they are flesh and just shaped to resemble hooves, or if they actually are hooves
Have no problem with how you portray them, was just kinda curious
“Rouges United”! That’s my favourite makeup shop!
Dammit! You made me look!
Maan how deep is this place !
Offtopic : By the way guys , some sad news . Anyone remember this webcomic?
The Keep on the Borderlands” ?!.
The author or creator censored his whole comic 5 days ago ?.
@Wormius You know this right ?(according to your friends links ) , what happened to this comic ?!
It’s a tough call these days. You show a nipple in your comic, and suddenly 80% or more of your potential exposure just disappears. It really sucks for somebody trying to find an audience to have so many doors slammed in their face for fear of potentially “offending” somebody… somewhere.
If I were starting Delve today from scratch, the idea of making a NSFW comic and trying to get it seen… well, it would be a pretty discouraging route ahead. Especially if you hadn’t intended to make hardcore porn the focus of your comic, you’re not going to have much traction on more explicit forums, so what do you do?
It’s a tough decision, and I don’t blame people for having to make compromises. It’s a strange time we live in, and the offended Karens of the world are running rampant in the imaginations of community managers everywhere. From their point of view, it’s easier just to cave in and say, “No presenting nipples!”
I, for one, am glad it ain’t my problem anymore.
Right , seems fair point …??
Keep on the borderlands comic started on 2013 and had nudity (even full frontal nudity scenes instead of only nipple like take look at this page for example !) before this 2020 censorship . Such weird . Who censor their comic in 5 years ?!?while the violence and other mature content stays on ?!
Ugh.. But yeah .. oh well ?
And yeah I’m happy it’s ain’t your problem , I am fan and love nudity in webcomics like how yours is ..
Suggestion : And by the way , since that comic got censored , should you remove it from your friend”s link list (from that bottom right of this page ) ? Because … you know? Or it’s ok like this ?
Nah, it’s cool!
Well I was thinking you should , to support “No censorship”
But ok
Are you telling Wormius to remove a link because of the one-panel-pixilation?
Or because you ‘fear’ you will no longer get to see free bugbear bewbies? o_O
You are aware that at least three other linked webics don’t feature naked bewbies, right?
Because The Keep on borderlands comic had nudity without censorship since 2013 to 2018, don’t you remember or noticed ? , so that’s why I said that , but it was just a suggestion anyway ..
It was one panel, on one page, to paraphrase the author: if you don’t like it, fuck off
Admittedly, it did seem, to me, a little ‘odd’ that he pixelated the nips rather than obscure them (like he did in another panel, where her arm is covering her bewbs), butt that is his choice
No , it wasn’t only just one panel , it’s his whole comic ,
Starting from this
This comic had some full frontal nudity pages kinda like Delve comic .
Just because he stopped showing it, doesn’t mean it started censoring, and it was just one panel where he did censor
And as he told that troll: if you are only there for the dick-shots, then you aren’t there for the story
What do you meant “you arnt for story ?!” Nudity scenes was also part of the story element aswell?
Imagine if all mature comics were forcefully censored even the blood and violence content ?
Do you think this is ok ?
Said: if you are only there for the sex, or the blood, or the violence
Personally, for me, the story is the important thing, as for KotB, started reading that because that was one of two modules had back in he late 80’s when started playing AD&D 2ed, really enjoying how he writes his story based on how the dice roll, just like a real campaign (fairly sure he still ‘fudges’ things a little: wouldn’t make a story if every PC died in the first encounter {trust me, that can happen})
As for forced censorship? Yes, would be against that, just like am against forcing an author to do things your way, no matter what way it is
Pointing out errors, making suggestions on what you would like to see is fine, butt going to another authors site and telling them (no matter how ‘polite’) that they should cut ties with someone who did something you didn’t like is seriously not okay
No one forced warriorneedsfood to pixelate the druid’s bewbs (and if you had been voting, you would have seen that he didn’t show her bewbs in the invotive either)
Admittedly, it did seem ‘odd’ that he pixelated instead of doing what he ended up doing, butt rather than make such a huge fuss about it and accuse him of turning the story, his story, into SWJ-censorfest butt politely suggest alternatives would have been the correct way to do it. And accepting his decision no mater what it was
Hmm, don’t know what to say , but I guess you make some fair point and probably agree ?.
And about that force part .
Well I’m not sure , but if you look at this page comment section :
He responded to that person about why he started censoring it , so his response was this :” I have had more than one person tell me that the comic was too lewd for them to keep reading. And if I want to share this comic with people in the real world, it’s a little weird when there’s sholngs on front page. And I have a Patreon page now and if you want to see the Spartacus version you can see it there in high res for a dollar a month. And to be honest, I think it’s funny.”
He received many private messages about censoring his comic ?
So that’s why I feel like he was forced , isn’t it or it’s not?