Save Yourself Aug22 by Wormius on August 22, 2016 at 1:51 pm Chapter: 10Characters: Lassa, Moonblade Related Related Comics ¬ Welcoming Committee The Dark Waltz Wallflower PUA Moonrise
Poor Pinkie. Moonie still doesn’t quite get it, but then i guess as a sword she’s never really had a friend before.
Lovely page.
This is what happens when a top/bottom relationship turns to real love.
uh oh..never back a person in to a corner…
now Moonie has a reason to live/win
> now Moonie has a reason to live/win
An excellent insight! The weapon is learning more and more in its fleshly form.
(Bleep) the ONE l wanted to not die!
*Cue relevant Serenity quote.*
“My turn!” ?
More along the lines of:
Rock, Paper, Scissors,…
…The only winning move is not to play…
I choose…..
Rock, paper, scissors, LIZARD, SPOCK!