Soup Time
Still not back on schedule yet, but I’m getting closer.
Sorry folks, but the family problem that I’ve been dealing with the past few weeks escalated into a family emergency this past week, and I’m kinda exhausted right now.
I think I’m gonna cut my losses and just try to plan to be back to a normal release schedule on the 14th. Sorry about the delay.
Dibs on the dragon balls! They’re delicious when sauteed.
Only if you collect all seven
is one dragon a uniball or a tripod?
One each, and they have to be different
As they sang in Spain, “Vamos con afán, todos a la vez, a tocar con ahinco las bolas al dragón”.
Nothing but dead or gonna be dead is the trail they’re looking for, right?
I have a feeling that we’re heading for an epic end of cycle here. A very bloody one.
Still not sure what the rabbit lady is doing here (other than eating carrots, of course).
My best guess is that she is going to act as a lead from this act into a new one. And I do realize that maybe vague.
She may be looking for her boyfriend, some rabbit guy who lost a dagger, now turned epic sword, in a poker game…
We know at least she has a tie in with dragon problems. The bank she works with had a dragon mine stolen by a dragon…
To the Dragon which is of the Dragon, I guess.
What’s a “dragon mine” even? ^^
That’s where they mine them dragons out of the ground, Maji. Duh.
Typo. Meant gold mine.
Oh, so it’s a shopping trip
Is Bree’s speech drifting toward Louisianian?
Not going all there, but showing signs of it?
… Because she said ‘skillet’?
Just step back a moment from the story, or even the dialogue, and look at the facial expressions. So simple, yet so good, so perfect. It’s what Me Hunter excels at, but rarely ever gets commented on. That and characters. All his characters, even the not-so-nice ones. They are more real than a good many real people out there. Just a little side-bar, I know.
I agree, Mr. Hunter’s art, both visual and conceptual, is a lot of what keeps me here. I don’t know how he does it, but it’s really good.
Just take the month of November off. You’ve been putting out regular updates for such a long time without a decent break that you deserve the time off. Just take care of IRL stuff first, the comic can wait until everything settles down.
Yes, some readers can wait, and you deserve time to sort things out
Take care of yourself! We’ll still be around when you get back. Unless the world ends of course…
Andy, family first. Just get things sorted out, whatever and however long it takes. Don’t worry about Delve. we will wait. You get the priorities done. Hang in there, take care. Thinking of you over there.
You’re going to run into this situation time and again. It happens to all of the artists here sooner or laterJust take an old artwork/sketch and put it up in the Vote Bonus section with an explanation for the delay to keep the fans molified for a while. Get better soon!
Hope nothing really serious in the end. Take all the time you need, please. We’ll be here when you’re ready to strike back with the mighty pen. Best wishes.
Did they bang? If so, we totally missed it TT_TT