Did anyone else notice how the lighting changed to more blue instead of purple (save for the fourth panel)? Is it because that’s how ghosts see everything, or is it some kind of aura of that ghost woman?
Kelpie, or water kelpie, is the Scots name given to a shape-shifting water spirit inhabiting the lochs and pools of Scotland. It has usually been described as appearing as a horse, but is able to adopt human form.
That’s very interesting for me because I’m an amateur Basque anthropologist and the kelpies seem very similar to Basque lamiak (although these are said to have bird fish). Also the Maiden Stone, associated with them, features the mirror and the comb, which is absolutely the icon of Basque lamiak (they are usually depicted combing their long hair with golden combs, ambitioned by the odd stupid peasant who gets in trouble for his greed – most of the time they only have to give it back, they are not drowned: Basque mythological beings are rather benevolent).
However in this case I stick to the drowned woman theory because kelpies seem to be often depicted naked and I see absolutely no reason to dress them in a comic like this one.
Considering she is employed by a high class establishment the only trap her madam would allow is the “she actually has a penis” kind and even then only when it is revealed ahead of time to the customer and that they are totally into that.
She’s clothed!! WHAT?!
Only kidding. The artist has the right to draw clothed females if he wants. If he must.
No he doesn’t. : )
Did anyone else notice how the lighting changed to more blue instead of purple (save for the fourth panel)? Is it because that’s how ghosts see everything, or is it some kind of aura of that ghost woman?
Why is she dripping all around? Is because she’s the ghost of a drowned woman?
at first panel I thought it was sweat, wouldn’t have seen it in second and last panel if you hadn’t pointed it out.
Drowned ghost?
Kelpie, or water kelpie, is the Scots name given to a shape-shifting water spirit inhabiting the lochs and pools of Scotland. It has usually been described as appearing as a horse, but is able to adopt human form.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fc/The_Kelpie_by_Thomas_Millie_Dow.jpg/640px-The_Kelpie_by_Thomas_Millie_Dow.jpg A classic depiction, looks strikingly similar.
That’s very interesting for me because I’m an amateur Basque anthropologist and the kelpies seem very similar to Basque lamiak (although these are said to have bird fish). Also the Maiden Stone, associated with them, features the mirror and the comb, which is absolutely the icon of Basque lamiak (they are usually depicted combing their long hair with golden combs, ambitioned by the odd stupid peasant who gets in trouble for his greed – most of the time they only have to give it back, they are not drowned: Basque mythological beings are rather benevolent).
However in this case I stick to the drowned woman theory because kelpies seem to be often depicted naked and I see absolutely no reason to dress them in a comic like this one.
Also kelpies are not ghosts.
There’s artwork built of the other form near where I live.
Eastern Europe and china also have similar “water ghosts”, tend to be dangerous. Eg Rusalka, Shui gui
Um isnt she the ghost that comes out of the TV? ie “The Ring”
She’s going to take him to the VIP room.
(Very Intangible Poltergeist)
you sir. win
Getting some Rasulka vibes from this. Why do I have a feeling this spirit is going to be a problem?
Because its going to be a problem.
Bern having tye same feeling since that drink was offered.
someone is going to ghost-score
i have always wanted to do this… IT’S A TRAP!
As long as she fixes his arm. That is driving me nuts!
Considering she is employed by a high class establishment the only trap her madam would allow is the “she actually has a penis” kind and even then only when it is revealed ahead of time to the customer and that they are totally into that.
Ghost booze and ghost women?
Either way don’t blame him for wanting to “live” a little.
I TOTALLY agree with the decision for the boys to be hanging free in this comic. Lets hope he gets that arm fixed though