Sorry it’s a little late. I got depressed, ate very badly over the weekend, and felt like crap Monday and didn’t finish on time.
Anyway, we’re checking in on the other princess today.
Trying to fix a problem with the comments section.
Sorry it’s a little late. I got depressed, ate very badly over the weekend, and felt like crap Monday and didn’t finish on time.
Anyway, we’re checking in on the other princess today.
Trying to fix a problem with the comments section.
I think I fixed it!
Thanks for the heads up, Maju!
You’re welcome. Master Necro is just, Master Necro is merciful, Master Necro will bring peace and order to this Comment Section.
The “master” has an actual tomato-throwing queue
yeah. it rubs me the wrong way – that overimportant lizard
He will get his, when Breen comes to rescue Warmie
I doubt Bree will throw tomatoes at him. She’s more likely to instead ask Lassa, Kel and Moonblade about some… pointed arguments and cutting remarks.
Did say anything about him getting tomatoed
Meant “didn’t say”
I’m actually in awe. Confused between “when I grow up I want to be like the Master (and have a harem of beautiful and worshiping slaves)” and “well, that’s almost certainly not an option, sigh!”
I may change my mind the next page or whatever but this scene is awe-inspiring and makes me understand the phenomenon of fascism a bit better: lots of slave-minded people apparently, selective-bred by millennia of warlordism and such. A cow is still a cow for as long as it has horns, a human is still a human for as long as it has love of freedom, solidarity and truth… but for many “freedom” apparently means nothing anymore (or the other two pillars of Good either, it varies).
So who’s on the serving platter?
Guess elves would be the only servants with the lifespans of dragons. Can’t blame him for keeping them around…
Wormius, when you get depressed, just remember a lot of us care about you. Thank you for being here and sharing Delve with us! Hypatia
seconded. I know for experience that just knowing you have people that cares about you is not enough to cure depresion – but boody well it DOES help!
Thank you all! Without you folks, Delve certainly wouldn’t have made it this far.
Can someone remind me of when we last saw this princess and “the master?”
The master is just and merciful? That’s kinda contradictory, y’know. Which makes me think he’s actually neither.
Yeah, was just about to say that he is none of those things
Honestly thought she had paused after saying ‘just’ and was about to say something else
Technically, if everyone else is either enslaved or dead, then there would be ‘peace and order’ in the world
Joker, I must point that one CAN be BOTH just and merciful. These termns are not contradictory. The people who think justice can know no mercy are… actually dangerous, you know. I hope you are not one of those, my friend.
Guesticles, I also thought she was making a pause. I would even provide a list of things that our draconic “friend” is “just. Don’t you agree that the list could very well start with “obnoxious”?
Being merciful means dispensing less punishment than was deserved. Being just means dispensing the exact amount of punishment that was deserved. Being cruel means dispensing more punishment than was deserved.
And dispensing (unpredictably) variable amount of punishment is called “being capricious/whimsical”. I’m sure you’ve heard of judges who would send an accused to gallows or let out on parole not mainly because of the evidence presented but mostly because of whether they had had a good or bad dinner and, consequently, were in a good or bad mood.
So, take your pick, but you can only pick one.
Yeah, one of the ones who mistake justice and punishment and think that mercy can not be deserved. Or chosen.
:sad erana:
Well, apparently you use “mercy” in a different sense than I do. In my book, mercy can’t be deserved: if someone deserves tender approach, then giving it is simply just. The whole point of mercy is that it’s undeserved.
Like, I don’t know, salvation in Christian theology? People in general don’t (and can’t) deserve it but the god gives it out anyway, by his grace and his own volition — because he’s merciful. Unless, of course, you subscribe to the Catholic version where one can and should earn his salvation, by overdoing virtuous deeds over sinful ones, but it’s a rather horrible doctrine: no wonder Luther tried to rebel against such “god-as-a-judge” approach.
That’s the definition of legitimate authority in the patriarchal warlordism tradition, or any other possibly: too harsh justice is not good for anyone, because errare humanum est, hence mercy is fundamental for real justice. Harsh justice tends to abuse and resentment, Master may lose his minions’ loyalty as result.
On the other hand exemplary justice may be useful at times, but it may also backfire way too easily, when perceived as injustice or lack of mercy.
Just noticed what was on the plate: hope it isn’t one of Thess’ sisters
Hadn’t said it but the Master gives off a vampiric vibe and seeing this detail pointed out only adds to it…
He is a dragon, remember
Master will also solve world hunger apparently.
Technically it’s a solution. You have hungry people? Feed them people until you have no more hungry people.
“Known for their cowardice” huh? wonder what mr. dragon’s plotting that emphasizes this trait?
It’s how his kind survives: hiding while all the strong dragons are hunted down and killed and forgotten, then pick up the pieces and use another coward to do their dirty work (first that elf bastard and now that orc bitch)
That’s roasted unicorn, isn’t it? He’s so eeeevil!