Really? I thought they were made to fight against the dragon that Bree so accidentally slayed… and that now they are on their own in search of new challenges.
Oooh! Thank you Balthazar for the link, I somehow eclipsed the Daxxorel part totally in my memory, so I thouught they were bred to kill the dragon instead.
That’s even better, because they have kicked Daxxorel’s ass before, they know exactly what they are doing.
Also I kinda miss the old art style, less glossy (not the snake though).
My comment was not about the noses. Andrew’s drawing style has improved a lot in these years in general terms (back then it clearly had more ups and downs) but the better pages of those days had more “naturalistic” less glossy colors, more natural noses (not the Valryn’s, think Bree’s: he’s going for prominent noses concave stylized noses now).
I remember having read some Lovecraft in the past and found him pretty boring and stylistically poor. I very much prefer some good Stephen King if we’re going for literary terror. Cthulu is just so absolutely abominable that is like… meaningless? Not sure which is the word but I failed to experience any terror, mostly boredom instead. Not a fan of the terror genre anyhow.
Anyway, I also liked the attitude of Conan the Barbarian towards this kind of stuff: nothing to fear as long as they can be cut with a sword. In my case I prefer a good barbaque, some fireballs, everything burns or melts or vaporizes at high temperatures, fire cleanses it all. But I guess that the Valryn are more into blades anyhow.
Hey Andrew, loving the new novel so far! Picked it up on Kindle a few days ago and I have to say, I’m glad you’re also an artist, too. It makes visualizing the scenes of the story very enjoyable, seeing them in my imagination, (in your art style!) is a blast!
Have you done any graphic novels? If you have, I’m going to be getting those next! If not… Well, why not?!?
I like to write, so I know how much work goes into a novel, so thanks for that hard work!
The closest thing to a graphic novel I’ve ever done is Delve. Maybe someday, when I can afford some assistants, I’ll have a go at a proper graphic novel, but, until then it’s just Delve and my occasional ebook.
Yeah, I’ll probably go back to the original style when we’re looking at them head-on, I just got a kick out of doing the Disney-style noses for this frame.
Wasn’t the devourer dead?
Anyway, he’s about to meet his nemesis: the Valryn do not run, they kick monster ass badly.
It’s better then that. The reason the Valryn were made, the whole purpose for their being was to fight against the Devourer and his minions.
Really? I thought they were made to fight against the dragon that Bree so accidentally slayed… and that now they are on their own in search of new challenges.
Draxxorel is the name of the devourer. The dragon and other challenges are just to keep them from getting bored and killing each other off.
Oooh! Thank you Balthazar for the link, I somehow eclipsed the Daxxorel part totally in my memory, so I thouught they were bred to kill the dragon instead.
That’s even better, because they have kicked Daxxorel’s ass before, they know exactly what they are doing.
Also I kinda miss the old art style, less glossy (not the snake though).
Maju:- as explained below, the noses on this page was just for fun
My comment was not about the noses. Andrew’s drawing style has improved a lot in these years in general terms (back then it clearly had more ups and downs) but the better pages of those days had more “naturalistic” less glossy colors, more natural noses (not the Valryn’s, think Bree’s: he’s going for prominent noses concave stylized noses now).
For example this page from that very same chapter is *perfect*:
However other pages in that same chapter show clear flaws, like the infamous snake…
He’s clearly a much better artist now but some hard to pinpoint aspects of the old style I sometimes like better.
The sneck was supposed to look like that, specially facially
Maju, read the original – as in Lovecraft’s – version of “The Call of Cthulhu”. See what happens at the end when the beast finally shows up.
You’ll see that beings like this are NOT easy to kill
I remember having read some Lovecraft in the past and found him pretty boring and stylistically poor. I very much prefer some good Stephen King if we’re going for literary terror. Cthulu is just so absolutely abominable that is like… meaningless? Not sure which is the word but I failed to experience any terror, mostly boredom instead. Not a fan of the terror genre anyhow.
Anyway, I also liked the attitude of Conan the Barbarian towards this kind of stuff: nothing to fear as long as they can be cut with a sword. In my case I prefer a good barbaque, some fireballs, everything burns or melts or vaporizes at high temperatures, fire cleanses it all. But I guess that the Valryn are more into blades anyhow.
Also what about that towel? Does she come from level 42? O.O
HA! I like what you did there! Mr. Adams would be proud.
Just need three pints of beer and off we go.
Uh… uhm…
OH, RIGHT, now I remember them!
Okay, who is Paige and what is a seamstress doing out in the Forhaunted Forest at night?
Glad to see Thessali survived
This new elf, Paige, looks familiar. Any relation to another blue-haired purple-eyed elf we know?
Also, it’s really great to see the Valryn again.
Hey Andrew, loving the new novel so far! Picked it up on Kindle a few days ago and I have to say, I’m glad you’re also an artist, too. It makes visualizing the scenes of the story very enjoyable, seeing them in my imagination, (in your art style!) is a blast!
Have you done any graphic novels? If you have, I’m going to be getting those next! If not… Well, why not?!?
I like to write, so I know how much work goes into a novel, so thanks for that hard work!
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying it!
The closest thing to a graphic novel I’ve ever done is Delve. Maybe someday, when I can afford some assistants, I’ll have a go at a proper graphic novel, but, until then it’s just Delve and my occasional ebook.
Please tell me the Valryn’s noses is just due to the angle, and that you haven’t forgotten how they originally looked…
Yeah, I’ll probably go back to the original style when we’re looking at them head-on, I just got a kick out of doing the Disney-style noses for this frame.
Just seemed a little ‘odd’, made poor Thessali decidedly ‘mouse-like’ in particular
Are these the last of the Valryn? Or are there more we just can’t see?
Your ink lines have gotten much thinner and neater since then, but your figures and perspective have always been spot-on.
Looking at the ladies, I was suddenly nostalgic for “Rock and Rule”…does that make sense?