I don’t think Warmheart approves.
Thanks again for all the positive feedback, folks. I’m still fighting a pretty savage case of burnout right now, but I’ve been through worse than this. I hope everybody’s still having fun here.
See y’all next week!
Is… Is she dead? Geez… Poor girl…
I still realize he is a dragon, but the vampiric noble archtype is only being reinforced here…
Now I have gone from wondering to asking out loud – just how much has Warmheart’s transformation changed her as a person?
Not much?
We saw, when she was still an adult, that she wasn’t a bad person: when she was beating on Sarkie, she didn’t want to, she was almost begging him to fight back to give her a reason (you believe an adult dragon, even humanoid one, couldn’t kill an orc with just one blow? look what she did to Breen with a slap of her tail!)
You know, you are quite right here
Even for shit standards, he’s digging deep
Ape-stick probably thinks indiscriminate violence and killing makes people fear you, it doesn’t, it makes people hate you, and people who are hated tend to die painfully and usually in embarrassing ways (like being trampled half to death by millions of gerbils, who then use the interior of your corpse as a breeding ground while you are still alive!)
It does both… fear and hate, vast majority of germans including in mostly jewish portions voted to give hitler dictorial powers. Earlier nazi mobs under leadership of Ernst Rohm did lots of indiscriminate violence of jews. Jews voted for hitler to try to reduce risk of further violence against them.
Tsk, tsk. Such amateurish work.
I have a few words for you, young Apostyc:
“Still, a prince should make himself feared in such a way that if he does not gain love, he at any rate avoids hatred”
“I hold it to be of great prudence for men to abstain from threats and insulting words towards any one, for neither the one nor the other in any way diminishes the strength of the enemy; but the one makes him more cautious, and the other increases his hatred of you, and makes him more persevering in his efforts to injure you”.
Fear and hatred are closely related emotions. You can only hate what you fear in some way.
However typically hatred is directed against weaker sources of fear, for example minorities, while vs what is perceived as unshakably powerful, for example the police or the state, most people only feel fear and shame of not being able to rage about it, which is often rationalized as “the order is good (and that’s why I obey: not for cowardice but for acceptance)”.
I would heed our friend Niccolo here, Maju. The Prince is a classic for some reason.
Machiavelli stated (abriging a LOT) that a prince may be feared “as someone powerful whose ire you do NOT want to atract” without need to be, and in fact better if doing one’s level best to avoid been taken as, “that asshole who kills/steals/maims/rapes with no need for a motive or excuse whatsoever”, because the first kind is the kind who (as you say) creates obedience through fear of reprisal (without killig off genuine support, should it exist) – while the ones whose guts are hated tend to end up on the receiving end of either popular uprisings and/or powerful enemies using popular hatred and lack of genuine support as a weapon.
BTW, incidentally, did you know that, after writting many not-so-famous-today books talking about how a prince SHOULD be morally, he wrote The Prince while in prison as an unapologetic act of adulation / masterful trolling towards the prince who had thrown him in prison to tell him “hey, you rock for doig anything you need to stay in power, morals be damned” – which got him OUT of prison long enough to skip country and write MORE books of how a GOOD prince should behave? Masterful.
Of course. I would also heed Machiavelli’s advise… at least to some extent. However he lived in pre-modern times, so his advise may apply to fantasy dragon lords but maybe not so much to us.
Maju, you’d be surpeised how many modern times dictators were brought down (figuratively: a few of them were brought actually UP, literally – ask Tacho Somoza) for believing they needed not to heed Machiavelli’s core advice of “make you feared, not hated”). Or his quite solid advice in “The Art of War” that a republic needs a solid, professional army of its citizens, instead of relying on mercenaries, foreign alliances or poorly-trained warlords. (Sounds familiar?) In fat, nowadays ease of comunication makes it far easier for a prince’s enemies to coordinate, making even more necessary to heed his advice regarding keeping one’s foes in check.
Besides, he DID live in actually modern times (the Middle Ages had already ended when he died)
Long tale short, younk Apostyk here (I’m TOTALLY stealing Niccolo’s way of adressing him) is bound to have a rude awakening.
Examopkle of hate greater than fear here: https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/the-shamans-tale/, https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/severance-pay/
The world didn’t changed that much. Politicians still use his advises …
“Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.” — Yoda
This is why dragons can’t have any nice things. They thow angry fits and breaks everything around them, until all they have left is a big, empty cave and heaps of gold.
You have always done amazing work im sorry you are fighting burn out! Keep your head up, i know you can over come this too.
Putting hand around her neck like this, bad move. Remember https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/backstabber/ ?
Good memory you have. Poor Dragonette.
Actually, I was looking for that “look what she did to Breen with a slap of her tail!” mentioned earlier and noticed this.
So justice, much mercy, wow.
… What ‘justice’? The elf did nothing
Dick-fingerer put his hands where they didn’t belong, and got a taste of what he deserved
That, I think, is the point. They were being sarcastic.
I was referring to the previous page. You know, the one where this very maid declared that “The master is just. The master is merciful”; not to mention that those lines were quite heavily discussed in the comments.
But hey, apparently keeping track of plot for two consecutive pages is difficult even without naked elven boobs, huh.
Anyone else hopes that Grey-scale bastich gets his comeuppance really soon
Wow, could it almost be that the maids are forced to serve against their will, which might include constantly praising him with falsities given that at the slightest provocation he kills them?
Who would have thought that en evil dictator dragon might claim to be things he isn’t and make people refer to him as such? Shocker
@Tiger Tomcat: I would focus on depth of comeuppance instead of it being soon, as he’s obviously big boss and will probably survive several chapters.