So many possibilities here. Just in-story, what about the two consumees, one of whom wears a band of renewal and the other some sort of goddess. And Teal, a Green Slime of dubious digestibility — indeed, Green Slimes seem to be pretty good digesters themselves. Get the three of them together in Big D’s tummy and — who knows?
And extra-story in the so-called real world? WTFK?
P.S.: We should remember that Teal just ate an enormously powerful lizard mage and, in becoming delightlyfuly disrobed again, did something that made the robes sizzle off. Don’t underestimate Teal.
Methinks who doesn’t know who he is fucking with is the brainless Devourer (really small head he has: all mouth, no brain). Rainbow vegan power for the win! XD
If you are a intelligent pile of slime, that prefere to take a female shape, and can atlest “simulate/substitute” things like working eyes, why would you not want nipples and labia? They will be useful if you want to have sex with a humanoid. If Teal was not that busy with saving the world she probebly want to have a good time somtime….
I approve that the female protagonist doing the story naked. I do not aprove that she did get naked becuse the clothes spontaneously fall apart, that destroy the suspension of disbelief.
Or did I misunderstand and Teal did do a “hulk” grow into a large battle shape, and she does not have magic purple pants as the Hulk.
Gotta say, this is kinda tense.
We’ve been through this much of the story and I’m surprised at this point by Teal getting disrobed one more time… What’s wrong with me?
Teal as co-writer AND protagonist ? That should be sufficent plot armor to take down the big bad !
I don’t know about you, but if he tries to eat Teal, he’ll be getting one major dose of heartburn!
That Teal has got the mouth of a sailor!
So many possibilities here. Just in-story, what about the two consumees, one of whom wears a band of renewal and the other some sort of goddess. And Teal, a Green Slime of dubious digestibility — indeed, Green Slimes seem to be pretty good digesters themselves. Get the three of them together in Big D’s tummy and — who knows?
And extra-story in the so-called real world? WTFK?
P.S.: We should remember that Teal just ate an enormously powerful lizard mage and, in becoming delightlyfuly disrobed again, did something that made the robes sizzle off. Don’t underestimate Teal.
P.P.S.: Among the possibilities, it might that GO SUCK A ROCK might be significant. As in, what if it’s a potent spell?
I’ll hazard a guess here that it’s really a vulgar saying in Teal’s culture, because rocks are indigestible for them.
Has anyone else considered that teal might be up to the challenge of devouring the devourereror?
She’s vegan! I’d rather think she’s gonna wrap it in rainbow laces or something, what always works against BIG EVIL…. at least in fantasy…
Vegan? Does Drakons count as vegetables?
“She’s called Teal, the Famine-Bringer (…) She doesn’t even eat her kills, they say she is a VEGAN!”
And if that doesn’t convince you then perhaps the burp in the following page.
OK, you may be right. I didn’t realize that slime was Teal, but she clearly burps in the following page, so I concede.
Methinks who doesn’t know who he is fucking with is the brainless Devourer (really small head he has: all mouth, no brain). Rainbow vegan power for the win! XD
I thought Draco was gonna make teal say Hey..hey stupid in reference to a ALice cooper song for a second there.
I must admit to being curious why a green slime has nipples and labia. Though I suppose I should just accept and enjoy.
Not sure about the nipples part, but as a green slime, but as for the labia part, a guy could “all the way in”…Moreso than he probably first intended…
If you are a intelligent pile of slime, that prefere to take a female shape, and can atlest “simulate/substitute” things like working eyes, why would you not want nipples and labia? They will be useful if you want to have sex with a humanoid. If Teal was not that busy with saving the world she probebly want to have a good time somtime….
This teal reminds me of a certain slime girl named Galatea from the creator of Ghastly webcomic.
I approve that the female protagonist doing the story naked. I do not aprove that she did get naked becuse the clothes spontaneously fall apart, that destroy the suspension of disbelief.
Or did I misunderstand and Teal did do a “hulk” grow into a large battle shape, and she does not have magic purple pants as the Hulk.
I intended it as showing that she’s losing control of her natural acids when she gets pissed, but maybe that wasn’t obvious… oh, and fan-service. 8)
Again, I’ll say it: Teal totally reminds me of Piffany from Nodwick Chronicles