Well, that’s a bummer.
I wonder if Kindall actually knows something, or is still just self-interestedly seeking people to do things for him.
Uhhh… and… curious, does Kelathuzak have a species? Also, there’s no character tag for her yet.
Thanks for the page (and all of the previous ones, really. I’ve been a reader for … actually, I’m not sure how long. Months? Years? Not really sure… But thanks).
The species of Kelathuzak the Dagger is mega-hyper-ultra-cute. XD
It’s a soul thing I doubt souls have species, race, gender, etc.: they are more about emotions, principles, ideas, etc., i.e. non-visible stuff. Think Moonblade when she turned dark elf with attached pesky glasses, for example: she had never been in a flesh body before, not that, not any other.
Oh, well, think Moonblade as DA SOUL, the soul bound to Bree who will save the day (I howpe) as well.
If Bree is already soul-bound, then Kelathuzak would have to bond to Beddigan for either of them to escape. I wonder if Beddigan will start acting like Steve Martin did in the movie “All of Me?” S/he might start walking a little funny for a while until s/he gets mentally sorted out…
Actually, I thought it implied that someone outside (& Soulbound, of course) would have to pull them out. If that someone entered the Void, they would be as trapped as Bree & Beddigan.
Thought Kel was the name of the former owner of the blade, not the blade itself, unless as implied (heavily, and heavingly ) that Kel used part of his soul to power the blade, so he is both: blade and blade-wielder
I think it has to do with being able to still *see* who’s talking. A totally disembodied voice can’t really lie effectively because you can always see right through them.
As of this update, images on this site suddenly aren’t visible to me, even older panels. It’s not happening with other webcomics I read. Is this site-related, or is my ISP doing shenanigans?
Siva: what images? I can see the comic perfectly, the banners and the side buttons. Try another browser maybe? Sometimes with JS-blockers you can get odd results, but the JS architecture of this site is (thumbs up) quite simple, so you only need to unblock the main site to see the comic, the wp/gravatar ones for the comments and the amazon ones for the ads.
Or Papa Donald is censoring your eye candy. I guess that’s possible too if you live in a fundamentalist country like the USA, Saudi Arabia or the Vatican.
Well, that’s a bummer.
I wonder if Kindall actually knows something, or is still just self-interestedly seeking people to do things for him.
Uhhh… and… curious, does Kelathuzak have a species? Also, there’s no character tag for her yet.
Thanks for the page (and all of the previous ones, really. I’ve been a reader for … actually, I’m not sure how long. Months? Years? Not really sure… But thanks).
The species of Kelathuzak the Dagger is mega-hyper-ultra-cute. XD
It’s a soul thing I doubt souls have species, race, gender, etc.: they are more about emotions, principles, ideas, etc., i.e. non-visible stuff. Think Moonblade when she turned dark elf with attached pesky glasses, for example: she had never been in a flesh body before, not that, not any other.
Oh, well, think Moonblade as DA SOUL, the soul bound to Bree who will save the day (I howpe) as well.
And won’t Moonie be happy to find that out (Moonie and her pet
She will be very pleased: to have a purpose, to be honor-bound, that’s her thing (lawful stupid).
Yeah, but bound to Bree? o_O
Talk about conflicting emotions
I think she’s bound by honor: Bree saved her ass from the DM.
Sometimes it takes a while for new characters to get tagged, sometimes they never do
Cute exposition fairy!
How convenient, isn’t Bree SoulBound to someone? o_O
If Bree is already soul-bound, then Kelathuzak would have to bond to Beddigan for either of them to escape. I wonder if Beddigan will start acting like Steve Martin did in the movie “All of Me?” S/he might start walking a little funny for a while until s/he gets mentally sorted out…
Didn’t imply that it was one SoulBound per Rescue, just that it would require a SoulBound on the outside to enter the Void and rescue them all
Actually, I thought it implied that someone outside (& Soulbound, of course) would have to pull them out. If that someone entered the Void, they would be as trapped as Bree & Beddigan.
Regarding the invotive: should have had her upside down in the classic Chun Li pose
Maybe next time. 8)
Thought Kel was the name of the former owner of the blade, not the blade itself, unless as implied (heavily, and heavingly
) that Kel used part of his soul to power the blade, so he is both: blade and blade-wielder
Nobody can escape?
NEDM? -plays Coburn’s “We interrupt this program..”-
(…Not Even Draco Mage?)
What is it about small blue translucent women that inspires such trust and concern for their well-being?
Sorry but, did you say trust, or lust? Sometimes it’s hard to tell, when it comes to blue translucent women.
I think it has to do with being able to still *see* who’s talking. A totally disembodied voice can’t really lie effectively because you can always see right through them.

Plus, boobies
Heh heh 8)
As of this update, images on this site suddenly aren’t visible to me, even older panels. It’s not happening with other webcomics I read. Is this site-related, or is my ISP doing shenanigans?
Siva: what images? I can see the comic perfectly, the banners and the side buttons. Try another browser maybe? Sometimes with JS-blockers you can get odd results, but the JS architecture of this site is (thumbs up) quite simple, so you only need to unblock the main site to see the comic, the wp/gravatar ones for the comments and the amazon ones for the ads.
Or Papa Donald is censoring your eye candy. I guess that’s possible too if you live in a fundamentalist country like the USA, Saudi Arabia or the Vatican.
I see someone has been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Isn’t she soulbound to Teal when she died that one time? Or Dracomage? One of those two I think she’s soulbound to, cant remember which.
I’m seeing potential for Bree and Jen here. If there’s ever anyone one is soulbound to, its their player.
You know I just realized Bree and Beddigan being here implies that at one time Beddigan himself was a PC at one time like Bree was…