Toward the Light Apr05 by Wormius on April 5, 2020 at 9:01 pm Chapter: 13Characters: Damina, Lyca, Paige, Thessali Paige really wishes she’d taken those extra AP classes now. Related Related Comics ¬ Zomborc Attack Final Rite Hot Tip Wrapping Up Battle of Cassia’s Span
Roll the Knowledge (Religion) check! The DC is 45, btw.
WOO! Praise the lard!
If only you rolled skill checks with 3d100… alas, all you get is one d20 plus you Int modifier. And Paige ain’t that smart or lucky.
I know what that light is.
It’s Big Lots.
Yay the heal worked!
And then some!
Really digging the shading and contrast in panel two. Very slick.… Valryn buttails…
Even betterer? Valryn butts :p