Oh, no! I totally thought Grolff was gonna win this one!
Oh, in case I forgot to mention it, check out my new Dungeon Synth album here:
Oh, no! I totally thought Grolff was gonna win this one!
Oh, in case I forgot to mention it, check out my new Dungeon Synth album here:
That was fast! Too fast for the show quality, I wan’t my orcish money back! ;p
So, esophagus?
Not the part I’d think he’d lose… or the part I think he said his Tribe lost either…
While the bad guy wails his monologue, the good guy takes matters into his own hands.
You have them switched: Cher ain’t a good orc
Everyone’s a good guy in their story.
“13. Duskbloom Waltz 02:30”.
Let us get this straight: You go through the effort to composse a waltz – and it is not, I repeat, NOT, *THE* Dark Waltz? (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/the-dark-waltz/)
That is… dissappointing. Shocking. Unaceptable.
You know what you can do to redeem yourself
Still working on it. 8)
now with less snark
I actually tried to see if the lyrics of the Dark Waltz could be sung to the tune and rythm of the Duskbloom Waltz – but they couldn’t. At least, I appretiate the fact you keep writting more and more music.
He’s gonna be less good with his tongue, now.
Yes, being dead would have that effect…
Any voodoo shaman will tell you, being dead is just a minor setback. Having the tongue muscles no longer connected to the neck, however…
I forget if this is to the death or allows healers. Might be more difficult to replace a whole jugular and arteries than it was to heal a spear pierced jugular though… although I guess that healing kind of replaced or altered all of Warm-heart when it healed her, so this guy probably still has a chance.
Rules (besides of “no armor nor weapons”) include no magic and no help. o, no healing during combat.
Doesn’t seem to be “to the death”, but death is certainly an expected risk.
TL;DR: If you want to be healed, you better survive first (win, or hope the winner is merciful).
Warmie basically phoenix’d herself, doubt that is something available to orcs
As a matter if fact ORCISH magic (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/respawn/) phoenix’d her, so…
Thank you, forgot that detail
It’s still not something orcs can do
Guesticules, you know my name is tongue-in-cheek, but if you say that something *actually done by an orc* is “not something orcs can do”, I’m gonna snark in your general direction. I hope you now realize the inherent contradiction in your line of reasoning.
It was done by an orc, it’s not something that can be done to an orc
And was meaning the phoenixing, not the calling upon the spirits
The calling upon the spirits to ask for extreme healing, we have no indication whatsoever that it can or can not be done to an orc – but I would find exceedingly weird, not to use a stronger wording, that the ORCISH spirits were the kind to accept to heal a dragon yet refuse to heal, you know, an ORC.
Seems more a matter of “Would the shaman do it?” than a matter of “Could the shaman do it?”, IMHO.
Replying to my own still-in-moderation comment because I am a moron and didn’t wrote it clearly enough.
We know for when Arka did it (https://thisis.delvecomic.com/NewWP/comic/eye-for-an-eye/) that calling upon the spirits for such an extreme healing as to heal in extremis a lethal wound does have a HUGE cost upon the shaman, one that could be worse than losing an eye. And was something Arka was *extremelly* relluctant to do. So is not a matter of “would the shaman be willing to cast a spell to heal his clanchief?”, but of “would the shaman be willing to potentially be crippled, die, or worse, casting a spell to heal his clanchief who has not been murdered but just lost a duel to the death he willingly entered?”
I’m no anatomy expert… But I’m pretty sure he needed that.
Question mark how *quickly* he needed that. If the imortant arteries were ripped, then it is down to maybe a minute at best. Breathing can be done through the hole if blood isn’t drowning the lungs. Given a world of magic healing, it *might* be possible for him to surrender and get healed before he dies.
That’s the heart. No matter how much you breathe, it will be useless without a heart.
You know, I wish they were at least two futanari (don’t think there’s been any in the story so far) or something. I don’t much enjoy two guys slapping their dicks at each other.
Hmn… I guess I haven’t had a futa character yet, have I? I’ll have to think about it.
Which type though? Chick-with-dick (dick and slit)? Or shemale (dick and testicles, no slit)? Or the combo (dick, testicles and slit)?
Too bad. I thought the hyena girl was one.
Huh. I guess growing long nails does come in handy for something.