Everybody has their own way of winding down after work.
In other news, I’ve got a new book out!
If you like naga girls having wacky adventures, you should check out Deepwater’s Daughter!
This one is actually pretty family friendly, but, if you like my brand of storytelling, give it a look!
It’s available now in ebook format at Amazon and Smashwords!
But it’s not like they can go wherever they want, right? They are stuck following Bree.
But it’s not like they can ask her to bring them there, left?
Now I wanna draw a comic of the sword girls whining in the back seat of the T-Bird about wanting to go to Chuck E Cheese while Bree is slowly losing her mind in the driver’s seat.
April 1st is coming up pretty quick…..
“Nice view” indeed.
In the last panel, she looks *aggressively* cross-eyed XD
How can she be crosseyed, when neither eye is looking at the other? :confused:
Kel has a point (and not nust the lovely points on her chest
), sometimes, keeping something a memory of past times is better than seeing the changed reality of current times
Nice to see Moonie has taken the branch out of her arse, unless she has ‘conveniently’ glossed over what happened after the fight…
She’s not quite as critical of her owner’s behavior as she used to be, perhaps because she likes this new version of Bree better than the old one… or, maybe, because she’s got other things to occupy her time now.
Yeah, was figuring she had ‘mellowed’ due to no longer being ‘alone’, oh, and Kel is there as well
What was Kel’s species, again? Can’t be a hare, she has cloven hooves (btw, does that mean she’s clean?)
She’s a Brambling. Not sure where they would fit into any religion’s dietary restrictions, except for Devorians, of course. They’re pretty inclusive in that regard.
Like, the bird? This world surely had some interesting evolutionary outcomes!
Moonblade does look different here. Physically maybe a bit more sturdy. In affect, perhaps less intense.