At this point, I’m really hoping that ANY of this makes sense.
And speaking of overly-obtuse writing, I was wondering if I could ask a favor of any of you who have read any of my e-books?
I know my fantasy novels don’t have much to do with Delve, but some of you have told me that you read them, so I thought I’d take a chance asking here.
If you have read one of my e-books, it would really help me out if you could leave a short review of the book over on Amazon. I found out recently that a book needs at least 15 reviews to really show up in the searches, and my latest book… well… on the U.S. site, it has like 2 reviews… and one of them is from my mom.
Seriously, even if you thought my writing sucked, it’d still be nice to know that somebody was reading them at least.
Anyway, I just thought I’d ask. I really appreciate any help I can get in this regard as my two primary sources of income are my comic Patreon and my Kindle books, and thing are looking a little grim lately on the e-book front.
Oh, and, if you’re interested, my Author page can be found at THIS LINK
A lucid dream? But which is the dream?
It’s very Poe-esque….
‘Is all that we see or seem…But a dream within a dream?’ -Edgar Allen Poe
I’d say Calderonesque, because I’m more familiar with Spanish literature: “…que todo en la vida es sueño y los sueños sueños son” (“… that everything in life is dreaming and dreams are dreams”).
But same thing, I guess. The Simulation Hypothesis, etc.
I don’t have a watch, I may well be dreaming…
That’s very Poe-etic of you.
Then it could be willy wonka-esque too.
“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.”
Wait, I’m losing Beddigan’s arc. So he got reincarnated in the Big D and made it out? And what about his ghostly SO?
tl;dr: his soul was partly eaten, separately he died, both parts just met and combined
wall of text:
He got “soul drained” by one of the Big Bad’s minions/offshoots and that part of him ended up inside the Big Bad (where Bree recently met it). Separately, he also died, but was allowed to remain in the realm of the living for a few days as a ghost. When Bree went into the Big Bad, she met the soul drained portion of Beddigan and he escaped along with her. Just now, the two versions of him met and touched, which caused an explosion, and combined the two into a living Beddigan.
Excellent explanation, Browser. Thank you.
Si, gracias a ti, Browser. (And I liked Maju’s reference to Spanish literature above.)
In the trunk, called it.
Of course now I have to ponder the implications of Bree/Jen seeing her dream sign while in the Delve. Just how deep does the rabbit hole go?
It goes deep………….balls deep!
Beddigan’s back! And Bree/Jen has a dreamsign! The more we learn, the more questions I have!
“It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s! Alive!”

~Dr. Frankenstein
I love you books.
Thank you!
Well THAT explains the plots of several cult movies.
Man, if she fell asleep and crashed during her drive and that’s her dying alucination, I’ll track you, hunt you and hang you from the glans from the highest tree I can find.
What happened to artistic freedom? It seems a tragic yet excellent ending. Most things in real life end tragically: real life is not Hollywood movies and real art is not either.
What happened to “artistic freedom”, if used for that kind of “twist”, is what they would say of the joke: “La vida es una barca. Calderon de la artistic freedom”. Tragic ends are SOOOO XVII century
even if the Spanish great master of the horrible endings, Echegaray, is XIX.
LOL. Tragical endings are sophisticated, European and emo. Happy endings are simplistic, American and snowflakeish.
For example the famous novel by George Orwell, “1984” had its end slightly changed for the US edition: the starring couple were not killed, just tortured, brainwahsed and lived happily thereafter. Happy?
Or in other words: it’s like novelle cuisine vs fast food.
Notice that I used “American” in the sense of “Hollywoodian” or “Disneyian”, I perfectly understand that there is a vast array of American sensibilities, just talkning about mainstream trends.
And there is also a European trivialization. Weren’t the Grimm Bros. who first degraded traditional cautionary tales into happy endings? Disney just copied them.
Defensive much?
You know, Pokemon fans have been milking the dumb “Ash is in a coma” thing for over a decade…
And don’t fucking get me started on Pokemon…
Hay now I like pokémon I right pokémon fanfic and it is interesting complex and unapologetic in its sappy sweetness. But doesn’t deny or hide the fact that life can get darn grim at times.
As long as its not like the Narnia ending where they crashed on the train and have to die to be happy. Man when I was a kid I loved those books up till that bit and then shortly found it was basically religious crap of “you can only be at peace and happy when you snuff it”……yeah no thanks.
I find it concerning that Jen seems to believe she is dreaming when she was driving a minute ago. But I find it more concerning that Jen is not worried about that.
Oh and also. Beddigan’s scream cracks me up so hard
Maybe she’s not dreaming. Maybe SHE is part of THEIR dream.
Uh… Ever read “Through the Looking Glass”? It… kinda makes sense…
Midsummer Night’s Dream..
“I have had a most rare vision…”
“What fools these mortals be!”
To be clear I am quite sure bree isnt dreaming. My issue is that bree is apparently convinced she fell asleep at the wheel. And doesnt find this idea distressing.
I once fainted and was dreaming and was not distressing at all. I got distressed when seconds later I was awoken by the friends around me and realized I had fainted (apparently for low oxygen levels, or so we concluded), something that had never happened to me before nor ever after. But while dreaming everything was perfectly okay. Dying in such way should be easy, almost pleasant.
Just read the whole thing. I’m a fan of your comic now! But I’m confused how the D&D table got involved.
Interesting mixture… now Jen is trapped in the world of Bree.
I added my review for one of the books of Tanys (the 3rd), I usually add them to Goodreads… the first 1 I did it years ago… lol and I discovered that I was absolutely lazy with Tanys Gladiatrix.
Thanks! Glad you liked the series!
need a 4th book!
Will you ever ever ever print this comics? I’d so love to buy it… T_T
Thanks! You can find the first one here:
He was in the trunk? She couldn’t give him the passenger seat?
No seatbelt
Very intrigued about the Jen/Bree dynamic here. Seems to open up all sorts of possibilities for plot if Jen is ‘really there’ and thinks she’s dreaming, and has to figure out how to get home/un-merge with Bree. Talk about players getting into character…
There are exactly two posibilities:
1) Jen is dead
2) Jen isn’t dead.
If Jen isn’t dead (and we can untie again the piano wire from the high tree) she can likely return to being Bree whenever she has a lucid dream. Which, given how she recognised it, having a dream signal, etc., likely would be “often enough for government work”.
You have not considered that her last name is Schrödinger. ;D
Also what about Bree? I’m reading this comic for Bree, I don’t care about her fantasy alter-ego Jen!
Wieso aaaaah?
Aaah, nackte Monster, oder was?
Sorry, better in english…
Why aaaaah?
Aaah, nekkid monsters?
Maybe ‘Aaaaah, after 10,000 years I’m free, it’s time to conquer Earth’?
Man, that is one shiny naked green chick!
Because she’s a slime monster
I would love to read your books but I don’t have a Kindle are you on nook
Just a bit of advice, if you have a pc, iphone, or an android phone, you can download a kindle app for it and read them there.
Some of my stuff is on Nook. I’ve kinda given up on the platform though since I’ve sold like 3 books there. 8(
So, Wormius, I wanted to ask if there was any set release schedule, or if it’s just update as you get time.
I mean, we all know and understand life is a bitch. But it’d be nice to know when to check back on the comic.
I’m somehow subscribed to voting incentives and get an emai with every post, I click, I vote, ponder the eye candy, click the banner again and read the page.
Or “how I learned to love the subscribe button and stop worrying”.
The problem is that I don’ recall how I subscribed. But something is for sure: it is possible.
I’ll tinker around and see if I find it. Thanks.
Sadly, I’m still trying to work out a proper schedule for the comic (and life in general, to be honest). I know it’s not very professional, and I do apologize, but I’ve learned not to make promises in this regard. Life for me at the moment is pretty crazy, it has been for the past several years. I could rattle off excuses about the proble… er, “challenges” that I am dealing with now, but I can’t stand to listen to myself whine that much. 8)
I’ll have something new for you folks in the next few days.
Cue the Hans Zimmer “BWOMMM…”
[“2 Spider-mans Pointing at Each Other” meme]