How did he not see that coming? Cat with a large-bore handgun loaded with special ammo. Rat god giving him lip. BLAM! Even if he didn’t think it would do anything at all you knew he was going to try.
Back in Episode 247, Phawkes ordered 500 rounds of Merriweather & Pike’s .455 hollowpoints, plus a candle and sealing wax to convert them into magical caring power goo rounds. So far, I don’t think he’s fired more than a dozen of them, so there should be a lot left
See, Phawkes was in a moral dilemma. A rat man had killed a cat men’s god, which demanded retribution. So he cannot allow him to live. Yet, he had come to care about Beddigan after, I quote, “whatever has passed betwen us”. So he doesn’t WANT to kill him.
So when faced with a third option – a cat man to kill a rat men’s god as retribution for a rat man killing a cat men’s god – he embraced it with unusual enthusiasm, with almost unseemingly haste, and even, with a remarkable lack of stiff upper lip for one of Sir Branwell’s class.
[Replying to my own post, DLOEB and all that, someone IRL nagged me about what I posted and I’m trying her to STFU]
And yes, if the Cat Emperor was or wasn’t actually a god is not relevant. Phawkes believed him to be, and that’s what mattered to account for his actions.
As long as he *stayed* dead. In Phawkes’ opinion, at least. Which, as said above, is what matters to explain his actions.
I refer to his “I would shot you dead for that remark. But then again, I already did” line.
How did he not see that coming? Cat with a large-bore handgun loaded with special ammo. Rat god giving him lip. BLAM! Even if he didn’t think it would do anything at all you knew he was going to try.
Predictable or not from last page, it still was a humorous resolution. For some reason it reminds me of Loki and Thor.
Puny god…
mixed beautifully with “that’ll work”
Not even Bree/Jennifer saw that coming.
is it me or is bree seeming to fade into the background there?
She is rogue, remember? Partly stealth, I suppose
My guess is she was preparing to ‘do something’ to Phawkes to keep him from shooting Beddigan. Sap to the back of the head anyone?
Four shots, Phawkes? Just four? What are you, getting penny-pinching with the bullets, sir Branwell?
Back in Episode 247, Phawkes ordered 500 rounds of Merriweather & Pike’s .455 hollowpoints, plus a candle and sealing wax to convert them into magical caring power goo rounds. So far, I don’t think he’s fired more than a dozen of them, so there should be a lot left
Always save one. (Though he was so rattled that he forgot the last time he met the black rat)
Called it.
That “god” reminds me of the famous Wolpertinger, i think the americans know it as jackalope.
Rat-based, not rabbit-based. But eh, it’s a rodent with antlers nonetheless.
What law (or what action of Beddigan) is The Black Rat of Unwe referring to?
I believe the law in question was coming back from the dead.
That, or gravity, seen how he was seen levitating above ground back whne he was in full Musketeer garb.
“I shot the rat god, but I did not shoot the rat, you see….”
Bobcat Marley?
Heh heh 8)
Rat god wants to punish Beddigan, but instead gets shot by Phawkes who was planning on punishing Beddigan in his sted… Ironic
See, Phawkes was in a moral dilemma. A rat man had killed a cat men’s god, which demanded retribution. So he cannot allow him to live. Yet, he had come to care about Beddigan after, I quote, “whatever has passed betwen us”. So he doesn’t WANT to kill him.
So when faced with a third option – a cat man to kill a rat men’s god as retribution for a rat man killing a cat men’s god – he embraced it with unusual enthusiasm, with almost unseemingly haste, and even, with a remarkable lack of stiff upper lip for one of Sir Branwell’s class.
[Replying to my own post, DLOEB and all that, someone IRL nagged me about what I posted and I’m trying her to STFU]
And yes, if the Cat Emperor was or wasn’t actually a god is not relevant. Phawkes believed him to be, and that’s what mattered to account for his actions.
Have we had any background of Beddigan motive to kill the cat good/emperator?
Uh, “Sic semper tiranis”?
Wait, but hadn’t Phawkes killed Beddigan once? Technically that should had closed the case, right?
As long as he *stayed* dead. In Phawkes’ opinion, at least. Which, as said above, is what matters to explain his actions.
I refer to his “I would shot you dead for that remark. But then again, I already did” line.
Once again size matters.
Hey, it actually worked this time.
‘Puny god.’ -Hulk
Major difference: Beddi is happy to see the end of this god
And not much of a god not to know that it wasn’t by Beddi’s choice that he came back
Aww where’s the fraggin “like” button!
Did not see that comming…. even if it do perfectly fit this comics “laws” of what is possible.