Awwww, Moonblade made a friend. Sort of. At least they have something in common. I think we have the makings of another spinoff – The Adventures of Moonie and Pinkie
I am ashamed I did not think of that reference first. What are we going to do tonight? The same thing we do every night, Pinkie, try to take over the Delve!
It’s the same gladiatorial asking for mercy sign as two pages ago (she used two fingers that time). Read the comments for that page for more information.
What we have here, is a failure to communicate.
Moon Blade is going to have to be the voice of reason it appears.
Awwww, Moonblade made a friend. Sort of. At least they have something in common. I think we have the makings of another spinoff – The Adventures of Moonie and Pinkie
They’re Pinkie and the Moon. Yes, Pinkie and the Moon. One is a sword, the other’s a naga goon…
I am ashamed I did not think of that reference first. What are we going to do tonight? The same thing we do every night, Pinkie, try to take over the Delve!
Oh well done. I laughed, lots
Hehehehe! That’s pretty good!
I’d say leave.
Is pinkie counting down to something? the suspense….
It’s the same gladiatorial asking for mercy sign as two pages ago (she used two fingers that time). Read the comments for that page for more information.
Moonie! Quick! While they’re distracted unlock the cuffs then you and Pinkie go for a fermented beverage or three.
Sometimes you just gotta feel sorry for the minion/s.
Huh, so after all that, Moonie still thinks of herself as working for Bree? I’d deduct her wages for poor job performance.
Ok, theyre morons. At least we have fabulous kaboopies.
Wait, DM didn’t even know what the “Alabaster Idol” was? o_O