“Jaws” was a popular villain with metal teeth in the James Bond franchise. In the film “Moonraker”, he meets a girl who digs him out of the rubble after his failed attempt to kill Bond. They imediately fall in love, complete with the obligatory 70’s “love at first sight” music cue. (yes the 70’s Bond films were very cheesy)
Now, in the version I saw as a kid, the visual gag that accompanied the scene was that after “Jaws” smiles at the girl, showing his hideous metal teeth, she smiles back, revealing a mouthful of braces. Bam, instant love that eventually convinces the villain to switch sides and turn on his supervillain boss.
Of course, now, thanks to the Mandela Effect, which I never really believed in until I saw someone mention this scene, it has been revealed that the girl never had braces at all. I’ve gone back and watched the scene again and… no braces. But now the joke doesn’t even make sense, and my mind is completely blown. It’s like someone rewrote history, and I am very weirded out by the whole thing.
You see, I vividly remember that scene, and I loved the turn in character for the villain. It was one of the formative moments of my childhood where I began to think about what it might be like to see the world from the bad guy’s point of view, and maybe they weren’t all just faceless mooks with no redeeming virtues.
I realized later: the giant guy! Facepalm! I even recall (vaguely) the scene and I’m quite sure you’re right: she had braces (I read “bracers”, sorry, English is second language for me, which sounded too medieval for either movie).
I haven’t paid the slightest attention to the alleged “Mandela effect” till now but you’re making me chew on it.
I just checked what’s “the Mandela effect” about: some “paranormal consultant” Fiona Broome believes she recalls Nelson Mandela was dead in the 80s. However I recall perfectly well he was alive but IN PRISON, being arguably the most famous political prisoner of that time. I also recall reading avidly in 1986 about the conflict in South Africa, learning some stuff about its background like who was Steve Biko, etc. I remember well also that (recently deceased) Winnie Mandela and Nelson divorced when he was still in jail because of political disagreements about the use of violence against snitches and collaborators (the then famous Soweto execution method of burning a tire around the victim, rather cruel but definitely exemplary).
So just the same I think I can confirm that she had bracers (or so I believe to recall, very vaguely in any case, so I could be wrong) I am much more certain that I can flatly reject the basic assumption of “the Mandela effect”: Nelson Mandela was alive all the time, just that in prison in Robben Island (and nope, I did not check these details in Wikipedia: they are all in my brain).
Yeah, I remember Mandela getting out of prison myself, and I never cared how you spelled Berenstain. I mean, who names their children “brother” and “sister”? That’s lazy, even for bears! I also had no recollection of any Sinbad movies or anything else that people were touting as evidence of this alleged “Mandela Effect”.
Thus I chalked it up to just people having faulty memories of the past and being confused about it. Part of me wants to do the same for myself in the case of the Moonraker false memory, but, now that it’s actually something from my own experience, and from the experience of so many people that I’ve asked about it… I’m kinda baffled.
Are our memories really that malleable, or is something else going on here?
I’ve seen and heard some pretty strange things in my life, and the only thing I can be absolutely certain of now is that my perception of reality is not trustworthy.
Well, I guess I can revisit my childhood dream of becoming a wizard now. 8)
Our mind definitely plays tricks on us. My personal memory of that scene is not vivid, just one among many, so I could be wrong, it seems to me that my mind is playing the trick saying: “it makes sense, so it must be that way”. But when memories are vivid, I think they should be real, yet scientists say that we reconstruct them all the time, so maybe I’m wrong. On the other hand deep memories live in the hipocampus, the deepest and most protected part of the brain, and that’s why we relive our whole life in near-death experiences, because it’s the last part of our selves receiving oxygen, being still “conscious”. So maybe scientists who say we rebuild our memories are wrong or maybe only partly so. Maybe we all put the braces in her smile unconsciously because of that girl our age who had them, making her simultaneously uglier and hotter, Freud would surely have something to say here.
The real evidence would come in the form of an original copy of the movie, maybe in VHS video format. If you or someone finds one and a the corresponding old video-player still working, then your “Mandela effect” is proven or disproven, otherwise it remains uncertain like Schrödinger’s cat’s life. Of course, the “masters of the Matrix” could also have changed that copy, but at least if you find the braces there, then someone has definitely edited later copies, maybe even there were two versions?
As for being a wizard, you should have been advised to study hard science, that’s where Earth magic resides. After all, if 99.99% of anything we consider “solid” is vacuum, just held together by electromagnetism and the strong nuclear force, what is “reality”? Of course you could also have learned marketing, publicity, journalism or sociology, where Air magic resides. I think that even economics belongs there because money and markets only have social (air) emanated values. But you have chosen the path of Water (the mind, soul) and Fire (creative power), it’s fine: everyone is a wizard, one way or another.
Hmm, selected ‘No’ for the riddle, butt even after submitting, her having braces as well seems ‘correct’
She was also shorter than him, with glasses and blonde twin-pigtails? o_O
Dun dun dun!
Technically Bree cheated the Rat..
I recall the solution to a situation such as this involving making fake ears out of dock-leaves, but honestly the rest of the details escape me.
That was the aftermath, not the method. Beddigan would need to make fake arms out of branches or something.
Phawkes gonna kill a god of his own. Calling it now.
Or two
I’m puzzled by the riddle: Jaws is one movie and Moonraker another one. I don’t think bracers fit in either.
“Jaws” was a popular villain with metal teeth in the James Bond franchise. In the film “Moonraker”, he meets a girl who digs him out of the rubble after his failed attempt to kill Bond. They imediately fall in love, complete with the obligatory 70’s “love at first sight” music cue. (yes the 70’s Bond films were very cheesy)
Now, in the version I saw as a kid, the visual gag that accompanied the scene was that after “Jaws” smiles at the girl, showing his hideous metal teeth, she smiles back, revealing a mouthful of braces. Bam, instant love that eventually convinces the villain to switch sides and turn on his supervillain boss.
Of course, now, thanks to the Mandela Effect, which I never really believed in until I saw someone mention this scene, it has been revealed that the girl never had braces at all. I’ve gone back and watched the scene again and… no braces. But now the joke doesn’t even make sense, and my mind is completely blown. It’s like someone rewrote history, and I am very weirded out by the whole thing.
You see, I vividly remember that scene, and I loved the turn in character for the villain. It was one of the formative moments of my childhood where I began to think about what it might be like to see the world from the bad guy’s point of view, and maybe they weren’t all just faceless mooks with no redeeming virtues.
Damned reality simulation glitches…
I realized later: the giant guy! Facepalm! I even recall (vaguely) the scene and I’m quite sure you’re right: she had braces (I read “bracers”, sorry, English is second language for me, which sounded too medieval for either movie).
I haven’t paid the slightest attention to the alleged “Mandela effect” till now but you’re making me chew on it.
I just checked what’s “the Mandela effect” about: some “paranormal consultant” Fiona Broome believes she recalls Nelson Mandela was dead in the 80s. However I recall perfectly well he was alive but IN PRISON, being arguably the most famous political prisoner of that time. I also recall reading avidly in 1986 about the conflict in South Africa, learning some stuff about its background like who was Steve Biko, etc. I remember well also that (recently deceased) Winnie Mandela and Nelson divorced when he was still in jail because of political disagreements about the use of violence against snitches and collaborators (the then famous Soweto execution method of burning a tire around the victim, rather cruel but definitely exemplary).
So just the same I think I can confirm that she had bracers (or so I believe to recall, very vaguely in any case, so I could be wrong) I am much more certain that I can flatly reject the basic assumption of “the Mandela effect”: Nelson Mandela was alive all the time, just that in prison in Robben Island (and nope, I did not check these details in Wikipedia: they are all in my brain).
Yeah, I remember Mandela getting out of prison myself, and I never cared how you spelled Berenstain. I mean, who names their children “brother” and “sister”? That’s lazy, even for bears! I also had no recollection of any Sinbad movies or anything else that people were touting as evidence of this alleged “Mandela Effect”.
Thus I chalked it up to just people having faulty memories of the past and being confused about it. Part of me wants to do the same for myself in the case of the Moonraker false memory, but, now that it’s actually something from my own experience, and from the experience of so many people that I’ve asked about it… I’m kinda baffled.
Are our memories really that malleable, or is something else going on here?
I’ve seen and heard some pretty strange things in my life, and the only thing I can be absolutely certain of now is that my perception of reality is not trustworthy.
Well, I guess I can revisit my childhood dream of becoming a wizard now. 8)
Our mind definitely plays tricks on us. My personal memory of that scene is not vivid, just one among many, so I could be wrong, it seems to me that my mind is playing the trick saying: “it makes sense, so it must be that way”. But when memories are vivid, I think they should be real, yet scientists say that we reconstruct them all the time, so maybe I’m wrong. On the other hand deep memories live in the hipocampus, the deepest and most protected part of the brain, and that’s why we relive our whole life in near-death experiences, because it’s the last part of our selves receiving oxygen, being still “conscious”. So maybe scientists who say we rebuild our memories are wrong or maybe only partly so. Maybe we all put the braces in her smile unconsciously because of that girl our age who had them, making her simultaneously uglier and hotter, Freud would surely have something to say here.
The real evidence would come in the form of an original copy of the movie, maybe in VHS video format. If you or someone finds one and a the corresponding old video-player still working, then your “Mandela effect” is proven or disproven, otherwise it remains uncertain like Schrödinger’s cat’s life. Of course, the “masters of the Matrix” could also have changed that copy, but at least if you find the braces there, then someone has definitely edited later copies, maybe even there were two versions?
As for being a wizard, you should have been advised to study hard science, that’s where Earth magic resides. After all, if 99.99% of anything we consider “solid” is vacuum, just held together by electromagnetism and the strong nuclear force, what is “reality”? Of course you could also have learned marketing, publicity, journalism or sociology, where Air magic resides. I think that even economics belongs there because money and markets only have social (air) emanated values. But you have chosen the path of Water (the mind, soul) and Fire (creative power), it’s fine: everyone is a wizard, one way or another.
So, in the spelling of those bears, some vhs tapes had accidentally spelled the last bame if the books authors instead of the bears’ last name. Not every vhs tape had the type, but enough did for this misconception to form:
I believe this tape would be rather difficult to photoshop enough to look right, so I’ll leave it to you to decide whether or not it is real.
Huh. How about that. I totally thought she had braces. But nope, the internet image search to the rescue, she just had a perfect pearly white smile
Are the Black Rat and the Dracomage relatives? They both have antlers, what seems a genetic trait inherited from a deer somehow.
Heh heh, could be. I never thought about it t’ill now. 8)
NOT… the BLACK RAT OF UNWE?!! (Any relation to the Black Beast of Caerbannog?)
… or the Black Knight of Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Same relation probably.
/me equips the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, just in case
Watership Down reference, folks
The Black Rat doesn’t look very satisfied with the situation.
But…Is that pronounced ‘unwe’ or ‘ennui?’

I always sort of imagined it as UN-way but, then again, I don’t speak rat.
I tend to pronounce it “food”, but then again, I’m kind of elil myself
Hmm, selected ‘No’ for the riddle, butt even after submitting, her having braces as well seems ‘correct’
She was also shorter than him, with glasses and blonde twin-pigtails? o_O