Re the poll question…
Hot naked chicks do not die. It’s almost a scientific law. Enslaved, raped, displayed…, often, but they have very high survival rates.
Perhaps, but in the Delve, that’s pretty much the only kind of chicks there are.
Though, now that I think of it, maybe that’s why: the hot naked ones are invulnerable, and thus the only ones who survive, therefore they are 100% of the remaining population. “Survival of the Fittest” at its finest!
Honestly, it’s gonna take me a lot to warm up to Moon Moon there. She is a total dildo, fucking over Bree to the point of being petrified, and then trying to kill her for the “crime” of being a thief, when Bree has been proven to be more than noble. Therefore, it’ll take one hell of a series of events to change my opinion.
Why does one hive to like her personally to like her as a character? I doubt she and I would get along at all in real life. In fact, I particularly can’t stand people like her (or at least like I think she is) in real life. However, I love her as a character. She plays off as an excellent contrast and antagonist to Bree and their interaction is endlessly entertaining. Also, thanks to her, there was an extended naked goo-wrestling scene. How can one not love her for that alone?!
I had a sword with that kind of attitude….that character developed a very special strategy for dealing with his blade: Threats of using a disgustingly dirty rag made from sackcloth to clean it; threats of leaving it uncleaned after battling zombies; threats of locking it in the same cupboard with the wizard’s staff and bard’s lute (both intelligent and both capable of driving anyone but their owners to the point of suicide if forced to deal with them).
I really don’t get it. Everyone complains about the Moonblade trying to kill Bree for being a thief. As I understood she tried to kill her to gain her freedom. She said something like that, if Bree is really dead, she is not bound to her anymore. That she is there with Bree possibly means, that Bree is not (completly) dead, so in order to get her freedom she makes sure that she is.
Now the question is: Did I misinterpret something, or everyone else did?
That’s her natural expression, Kheda: she’s grumpy and self-righteous and she’s obviously unhappy about being held prisoner without having achieved her self-given mission: murdering Bree for no reason at all.
Yeah, but you’d think she would be having a lot harder time maintaining that grimace, even for her. I mean, I doubt she can focus on anything right now…
Unless of course they aren’t “active” at the moment
I’m also puzzled by their size (they look like some sort of faeries, although I guess they’re more likely imps or demons) but something else that surprised me is that their rods are empty now, so all the power that these held was the living bondage vines (check with four pages earlier). How powerful are these level 99 crits? Also what the heck is level 99? A level of Hell or a level of the dungeon itself? If the latter, how did both arrive there? Was it something caused by the Nogrog’s new cosmic powers? I’m quite intrigued but I guess we will have to wait to know the answer.
question: so why, upon death, did Bree end up naked in level 99? Is death a teleporter to level 99 or something? Must be a crowded level. And what does that imply about reaching level 99 the old fashioned way? (meaning, without dying?)
Good questions! My guess is that upon death one’s soul goes to Level 99 for processing, and if needed, punishment. I’m thinking the dungeon is kind of a “direct” passage from the surface world to the underworld, A.K.A. the afterlife. Death would therefore be the easy way there, the shortcut. Getting back, that’s gonna take some doing unless they get help like Teal did.
Did a bit of digging, level 99 is often associated with Limbo, where in some fantasy RPG games the gods of feral elves but also souls to be processed go … so this would imply this is not the afterlife yet, but a sorting station or a holding station.
You know… I didn’t notice the mouths on the ‘leaves’ until now, and then saw where the ‘leaves’ ended up on Moon’s body… you’d think she’d be a little more … distracted.
Ooooh! Bree, a naked slave to level 99 fiends! I think I like where this is headed…
Given that Bree looks like she is in bondage coils (for lack of a better term) and Moon Moon has all her areas covered…
haha did they accidentally use that lvl boost Blizzard is offering?
Unfortunately, there are no level requirements for entering the higher levels of the Delve. Exiting again may prove problematic. 8)
…level 99, a.k.a. HELL!
P.S. Is that a shoutout to Navi from Legend of Zelda I spy, there? ^^
I still hear that voice in my nightmares sometimes…
electric fly swatter. it is a excellent training tool
“Hey!… Hey, Listen!”
I wonder where i heard that before
Re the poll question…
Hot naked chicks do not die. It’s almost a scientific law. Enslaved, raped, displayed…, often, but they have very high survival rates.
Agreed, and most heartily so.
Especially when they are in the hands of (hopefully) kinky little devils.
Perhaps, but in the Delve, that’s pretty much the only kind of chicks there are.
Though, now that I think of it, maybe that’s why: the hot naked ones are invulnerable, and thus the only ones who survive, therefore they are 100% of the remaining population. “Survival of the Fittest” at its finest!
Honestly, it’s gonna take me a lot to warm up to Moon Moon there. She is a total dildo, fucking over Bree to the point of being petrified, and then trying to kill her for the “crime” of being a thief, when Bree has been proven to be more than noble. Therefore, it’ll take one hell of a series of events to change my opinion.
Why does one hive to like her personally to like her as a character? I doubt she and I would get along at all in real life. In fact, I particularly can’t stand people like her (or at least like I think she is) in real life. However, I love her as a character. She plays off as an excellent contrast and antagonist to Bree and their interaction is endlessly entertaining. Also, thanks to her, there was an extended naked goo-wrestling scene. How can one not love her for that alone?!
I had a sword with that kind of attitude….that character developed a very special strategy for dealing with his blade: Threats of using a disgustingly dirty rag made from sackcloth to clean it; threats of leaving it uncleaned after battling zombies; threats of locking it in the same cupboard with the wizard’s staff and bard’s lute (both intelligent and both capable of driving anyone but their owners to the point of suicide if forced to deal with them).
I really don’t get it. Everyone complains about the Moonblade trying to kill Bree for being a thief. As I understood she tried to kill her to gain her freedom. She said something like that, if Bree is really dead, she is not bound to her anymore. That she is there with Bree possibly means, that Bree is not (completly) dead, so in order to get her freedom she makes sure that she is.
Now the question is: Did I misinterpret something, or everyone else did?
If they are in Hell it was Moon Blades behavior that brought them there. I have not see Bree do any thing evil.
Tentacle shibari… Nice.
8) thanks
Hey, Listen!
oh jeez lol
Huh. I thought they’d be taller.
They rather surprised me as well.
Given where the tentacle mouths have landed, i’m surprised by the expression on Moonblade’s face.
That’s her natural expression, Kheda: she’s grumpy and self-righteous and she’s obviously unhappy about being held prisoner without having achieved her self-given mission: murdering Bree for no reason at all.
Yeah, but you’d think she would be having a lot harder time maintaining that grimace, even for her. I mean, I doubt she can focus on anything right now…
Unless of course they aren’t “active” at the moment
I’m also puzzled by their size (they look like some sort of faeries, although I guess they’re more likely imps or demons) but something else that surprised me is that their rods are empty now, so all the power that these held was the living bondage vines (check with four pages earlier). How powerful are these level 99 crits? Also what the heck is level 99? A level of Hell or a level of the dungeon itself? If the latter, how did both arrive there? Was it something caused by the Nogrog’s new cosmic powers? I’m quite intrigued but I guess we will have to wait to know the answer.
question: so why, upon death, did Bree end up naked in level 99? Is death a teleporter to level 99 or something? Must be a crowded level. And what does that imply about reaching level 99 the old fashioned way? (meaning, without dying?)
Good questions! My guess is that upon death one’s soul goes to Level 99 for processing, and if needed, punishment. I’m thinking the dungeon is kind of a “direct” passage from the surface world to the underworld, A.K.A. the afterlife. Death would therefore be the easy way there, the shortcut. Getting back, that’s gonna take some doing unless they get help like Teal did.
Did a bit of digging, level 99 is often associated with Limbo, where in some fantasy RPG games the gods of feral elves but also souls to be processed go … so this would imply this is not the afterlife yet, but a sorting station or a holding station.
Bree is so sexy! And the perky boobs are always a good thing!
Hey, man, good to hear from you again!
You know… I didn’t notice the mouths on the ‘leaves’ until now, and then saw where the ‘leaves’ ended up on Moon’s body… you’d think she’d be a little more … distracted.
Unless those mouths have tongues, then not going to be doing much
Is there a reason why Moonie is covered in all the wrong places, but Bree is fully displayed? o_O
Ooo, got the invotive featuring the Shadow Elf and those tentacle-pods