Wrapping Up
Good to see everyone’s back to normal after a rather nasty little fight… well, almost everyone.
Check out the latest 4-page Mini Comic over on my Patreon page, if you want to learn more about Bree’s early years of training, back in the elven forest. Her first trainer took a rather… unique approach to teaching her the skills of a rogue.
Some smitten action going on. 8>
I’m kinda afraid of just about everything that’s going on here.
Sephni’s healing ability sure leaves some psychological scars … Bree’s the only one immune.
Sure about that? o_O
Is it really the healing or the dying before that?
“Oh, Tuul…”
“Oh, Miko…”
Tuul is looking a little shocky there. The blanket is a good idea, and I’d recommend a cookie and some water to sip as well, since it’s unlikely the girls have an O2 source handy.
He just in shock that Seph wasn’t sucking something a bit lower.
Heh heh 8)
Wait, has Tuul… changed? Physically? o_O
He looks… a little different…
Thanks for noticing!
That was intentional? Wonder if any of the party (not counting Seph) will notice
He looks older, more mature. Like maybe Seph’s magic made Tuul grow up some.
He’s looking a little pale (okay a LOOOOOOT MORE pale)
Huh, extremely pale and cold to the touch while not feeling cold himself. Sure sounds suspiciously like some kind of undead, doesn’t it?
Though on the other hand, symptoms of shock are virtually the same, not to mention him being a lizard and therefore cold-blooded, so there is that….
Also, why am I talking to myself here?
Sephni is definitely wearing Toesnip’s hat, but it was torn in two in ep. 407. I wonder if he had a spare, or if they somehow repaired it.
It was the goblin’s cap, though now I can’t remember if we ever learned his name…
Oh, right, they wore the same hats. That explains it =)
That feeling when everything you believed in turns out to be a lie, and you’re too smart to be able to deny it.
(quick cheap shot at anti-vaxxers)
So it appears that Bree/Jen have merged and are on the verge of becoming the goddess of ‘sexy adventures and wardrobe malfunctions’, and Seph is turning into the goddess of ‘Vore’. Not destruction or devouring, but the literal vore fetish. Hehe
You express an uneasy suspicion that I’ve had here for a while. As for Seph, there’s at least one indication that she’s kept Bree from becoming Jen. And that her soul was devoured quite a while ago.
Hard to say how this is going to go, but there are dark possibilities.