Sorry folks. While frantically trying to get everything done before I head out of town for the weekend, I realized that I was never going to have time to get an episode of Delve colored. So, rather than completely flake out on you guys, I decided to do something totally silly and non-canonical.
While I’m sure that many people have made the same joke about this particular trope before, I’ve always wanted to take a stab at my own version of it, and I hope y’all like it.
If not, rest assured, we’ll be back in Mistress ‘Di’s establishment again next week in full color.
She’s speaking Canadian, I understood her just fine.
I love this by the way.
I concur. Canadian is the language of awesome.
Ah bottled sky juice. Nothing finer!
Now, I know Sky Juice as coconut milk sweetened with simple syrup and containing enough gin to be dangerous. It’s usualy served over ice and is very refreshing in the summer.
Sorry, we don’t have any “ice” here. Would you settle for some frozen sky juice instead?
Do you mean winter rocks?
That sounds delicious.
It is, and that is what makes it dangerous. You start drinking the stuff, and only when you find yourself staring up at the sky, unable to get up, do you realise that you’ve just drunk about half a bottle of gin. Thus the name.
*mandatory comment about this strip being at least 20% cooler than others*
Huh what just happened?
Having fun with a TV trope? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotUsingTheZWord + http://jackflacco.com/2013/10/14/the-walking-dead-zombie-names/
Daryl is awesome
I like him, but I’m more interested in the not-romance between Rick and Michonne.
I’m talking about the version of him here, I agree that Rick-Michonne is more interesting
Hmm, I think that language is the PC language. The language of the ultimate evil.
if language.spoken = “Lua” then print(“I speak that fluently!”) elseif language.spoken = “English” then print(“Do you speak American?”) elseif language.spoken = “American” then print(“God Bless America. The movie. You should watch it!”) else print(“Gomen, wakarimasen. No entiendo. Je ne parlez.”) end
*Sigh* In “Dawn of the Dead” (The original at least) the word “Zombies” is only used ONCE by Peter -whose grandfather was a voodoo priest. This includes the entire original trilogy, btw -Night, Dawn and Day of the [Living] Dead.
That being said, and as a Canadian and a zombie movie lover, this strip is hilarious.
And why is it that everyone in an American Zombie movie or TV show thinks that Canada is a vast wasteland with no people in it?
Land of the Dead was terrible for that. “Where shall we go?” “Canada, there’s NOTHING up there.”
Because Japan (Chobits, specifically the in-anime book series, ‘A City With No People In It’) is too far away!
There’s nothing in Canada except the St. Lawrence and Vancouver areas. It’s 3.75 inhabitants per km² but it’s worse in places like Saskatchewan or Manitoba (around 2 people per km²). The density of most Canada is similar to that of the Sahara! Said that, that’s also true (or almost) for everything between California and the Great Lakes or Gulf of Mexico. “There’s nothing” in… Utah, nothing in Montana, nothing in Nebraska and nothing in Oklahoma and half of Texas.
But otherwise I think Gringos just like to make ethnic jokes about other peoples. The main reason I stopped watching The Simpsons: too many xenophobic jokes in every other chapter. But don’t call them Gringos, then they snap.
Yeah, I kinda agonized over what film to credit for making the term “Zombie” a household word, but I had to go with “Dawn” because it was my first real zombie film I remember seeing, and it defined the genre for me ever after. It wasn’t some cramped little cabin in the woods kinda scary, it was global, “They’re Everywhere!” kinda scary, and I loved it.
And, for the record, I side with Max Brooks on the fast vs. slow zombie thing. Slow zombies are scary in a way that “Ah! That crazy maniac is trying to kill me!” doesn’t come close to. And what fun is it if zombie bites turn their victims instantly, seriously?
Is the writer okay? This strip was written ten days before, and counting.
Sorry about the delay. It’s been an epically horrible week, but I’m back in town and working on episode #247 now. It’s another double pager, so it’s taking a while, but I think it’ll be worth the extra work.