UPDATE: Holy Crap! #2 now! Thanks everybody!

Thank you, everyone for voting for Delve at Top Web Comics! I saw we hit #3 this week, and, honestly, that really choked me up. I’ve often struggled with my reasons for working on this comic all these years, and you folks have done something that all those negative voices in my head can never explain away. You gave me real world proof that Delve means something to you, and I wanted you all to know how much that means to me.

Thank you!

In this week’s Vote Incentive Art, Moonblade and Lassa get ready for the big dance.

Just click on the smaller image or on the Vote button on the right hand side of the page (just below the Tanys Ad) to cast your vote for Delve, and you will be able to see the full image.

If you missed a Vote Incentive before, and you really want to see it, you have a few options. You can either wait for me to update the previous Vote Incentive pages, which I do when I have free time (I don’t have any free time), learn the super-secret haxxor technique for viewing old Vote Incentives (Look at the URL for this week’s Incentive, hint hint), or you could become a Patron via Patreon and gain access to the unspeakable “Shadowvault” (It’s just a DrobBox folder with a private link for Patrons where I store all my sketches and stuff.