Since someone wondered if any orcs chose to stay.
In other news, I’ve just launched my newly re-designed website, complete with its own digital store, and to celebrate I’m offering a free PDF of my latest mini comic “Snake Trouble” about a sexy delver and her encounter with a hungry giant dungeon snake!
Less a ‘problem’, more a distraction, one would think…A lone kamikaze idiot Orc, although he may yet surprise us. Nothing is ever straightforward in the Delve world. Panel 3 sees Bree definitely getting into her queenly mode. Of course she will accept his challenge. She’s the Queen. Got to set standards. Plus she killed the Big Bad Dragon. No doubt she thinks, how hard can it be against a solitary Orc? But the swinger will be, a ‘fight to the death’ Orc-style is in the nude! Paige can hold the Spanish/Mexican outfit. Bree’s going to get her kit off. How long is it since we last saw that? Being topless doesn’t count.
Are we to presume, from the two elf guards, that the fairies have began the repatriation process?
not the brightest bulb, ain’t he?
You know a challenge can be rejected. As queen you can just have the original standing order handed out.
The queen in her official capacity must wear a dress fancier than any of her subjects. Good to see that Bree is sticking to that even if she has to compete with loincloth and footwraps — it’s a matter of principle, you see.
Also, they technically can just leave that orc alive without removing his blindfold until its mid-day, and that would still fulfill the Bree’s promise. Although why on Earth would they.
Bro, thats wont work. Longears are not orks, they dont know your traditions…
However, Bree now cant allow him to go. If he tell everybody that Quinn rejected his challenge that breaks “Mighty Bree” reputation
As RGB said above: a challenge does not have to be accepted, otherwise they would be doing nothing but challenges because every idiot believes that they will be the one to succeed
Back to the dilemma with Sark. If you’re going to be the boss-person, you can’t back down or duck out, bad PR with your underlings. Anyway, a challenge is a challenge. When did Bree ever refuse a challenge? Or not to get naked?
Accepting every challenge makes you a Marty McFly, don’t be a Marty McFly (it took him a hundred years and three lifetimes to finally learn to not accept them all, and it saved his life)
Of course you can, especially if your underlings are more than okay with “disposing of that filth”. Different cultures and all of that. My boss-person, at least, doesn’t accept the challenges either.
Where’s the fun in that, guys? This isn’t the real world. This is a story about adventure and excitement! Oh, and naked elves. My bet is Bree will take the challenge. She’s never not done so yet.
Why does he want to die so much?
Or does he think she got lucky against the dragon and that she can’t really be that strong seeing how she is a female elf
I think is more a matter of exactly his words. “I’ve run far enough”. Trust me, whenever you hear these, you know there’s a story behind them.
(Sometimes, it’s a story of stupidity, admitedly…)
Some people get to the point that they are tired of running and will try to face things head on.
Maybe he sees a chance for a warrior’s death.
Like they gave to the elves they had caught?
Yeah, not going to say they gave them the same dignity.
Of course can be something the orcs tell themselves to boast nobility, but only the young actually believe. This guy here looks only to be a teenager. Maybe just barely a man.
He defeated cowardice and now he’ll die brave.
It’s good for karma, or charisma, or something trascendental of some sort.
This problem was considered and solved waaaaay back in the day. You can’t just challenge anyone, anywhere, anytime. Peasants cannot go around challenging kings for instance. To challenge, you must have the same social standing as the person you are challenging. If this guy was the king or chieftain of the orcs he might have a shot. But just some random dude walking up and saying they want to challenge the queen? No. Now, if she’s feeling generous, she might ask one of her subjects of the same social standing as this guy to fight him in her place. Otherwise, issuing challenges just becomes a cheap assassination. Send a stream of challengers, they only have to get lucky once.
A good example of this is found in the movie Hellboy II. Hellboy is the son of the Lord of Hell. A prince, if you will. He therefore has the social standing to challenge Prince Nuada for the right to command the Golden Army. A duel ensues.
Elves are adopting goblin dress code? I like it.
I dont think there is a lot of clothes survived dragon wrath…
Yeah, basically wearing what they can salvage: priority for now is restoring the trees, then they can worry about wearing pretty clothes 🙂
Guessing he was rebel faction that did not agree with dragon orcs.
“I challenge you to a fight to the death.”
(Slits his throat)
“You lost.”
Really don’t see what the issue is: she passed a decree that the greenies had until midnight to get the fuck out of dodge or die, he chose to stay, he chose to die, so just give him what he wanted and shove a spear up his arse and plant it on the border
Not gonna lie, I kind of see this ending Bree toying with him. Maybe a bit she learned from her dark elf friend.
Let him fight, toy with him let him live, play up the angle the fight to the death hasn’t ended, in a way to let him live.