This week’s episode begins an all new story arc for Delve, one that I was never quite certain I was ever going to write. I know things got a bit confusing with the whole “Rescue Princess Sephni” story line, and a lot of the problem was with my inexperience as a storyteller. But, now that I’ve been doing this for what? A decade or more? I think, maybe… maybe… if I try to see things from the perspective of two new characters who have absolutely no idea what has happened in the Delve up to this point, we might have a chance at a more coherent plot.


Just curious, can you folks guess anything about the characters of our two newcomers, simply from the clues I’ve provided in this page?

I’ll probably update the Characters page to include them in the coming week or two, but I am curious to see what you think of them before I tell you too much about them.