This is a solid R rated comic, as long as Andrew keeps it tasteful Beddigan can get some spiritual nookie. As long as we don’t see him busting his ectoplasm all over her I think we’re in the clear.
All in favor for Beddigan to get some Spectral Suckage say Aye!
I’d rather have a quick discretion shot and then Beddi looking well and truly satisfied. Preferably cuddling her. maybe a joke about how the dead don’t need to worry about stamina. He’s been through quite a lot, after all.
Delve is at the top of my WebComic favorites, and your awesome art and sweet vote incentives keep me coming back even when I know there’s not an update to see… but this page is a new favorite of mine. I really hope Beddigan can bed her… again… and again…
But seriously, you do good work and I am grateful for what has to be the finest, and most tasteful
“Rated-R” comic on the entire internet.
I know that my choices of what to show and what not to show in this comic can lead to a bit of head-scratching. I remember reading more than one comment that said I should either clean it up or go all the way porn with it, but, for some reason, I feel like Delve needs to live right here in the in-between.
The in-between place is where art happens, and I like Delve all the more because of it. And while the booies are nice, I keep coming back for the awesome story that you weave.
Agreed, it’s the whole ‘tease’ thing. It’d lose it’s allure if everything was all out on show all the time. Well that and it’d just be porn, rather than art.
Wait, with? Ghost sex?? How’s that even…
Never mind.
Also, first sight of sex in the entire comic (considering the amount of
nudity present in this series that’s quite an amazing feat. Even beats French graphic novel standards).
Oh, um, er… I guess I wasn’t that clear about it, now that I think about it. Also, now that I look back at Beddigan’s introduction, I can see that it would indeed imply that he and Teal were a couple. Well, this is awkward…
Actually Beddigan and Teal have more of a big brother/little sister relationship. I always saw Beddigan as a bit more protective, even fatherly toward Teal. The rat “children” he speaks of aren’t in fact his real family either. They are the rats of the Delve whom he has taken under his protection after fleeing to the dungeon in an attempt to hide from the Felinian reprisal for his part in the assassination of their god-emperor. Having not long ago lost his original wife and children under the emperor’s tyrannical regime, he wasn’t in any hurry to begin a new romantic relationship, and especially not with, as he saw Teal, an innocent young girl.
This did not prevent him from making a few flirting comments with Bree when she found herself in his care. He is, after all, still a virile and young were-rat… or, rather, he was, until Phawkes caught up with him at last.
So, if there is a mistake here, it was mine, and I apologize. I usually do not like to explain so much about the characters’ backstories and motivations outside of the comic, but, in this case, I think I may have gravely misled the readers as to the relationship between Beddigan and Teal.
As for the memories of his original wife and children… those don’t belong to him anymore.
Alright, no problem with that, besides it wouldn’t have affected my like of the comic, or perception of Beddigan, all men (and women) have their weaknesses.
we did a poll a long time ago it seems, about what will happen to these chars. (live or die) Still waiting to see. we haven’t seen bree in while or whatever happened to the her or her friends. i know its only one panel each week or 2 weeks but this is starting to get really slow.. i have been following since panel 27 and its been good. back then there was a clear plot. now it just seems that there are to many chars to try and keep a story line with each one together. that said still good art and comic.
I can say, I’ve been following this comic before it hit the hundreds and this is awesome. I haven’t been this excited for the next page since Bree first encountered the Arachnodemon. We may get an actual sex scene, Teal is regenerating to her normal ooze self and Fawkes seems to be planning big. Sure they will all tie back in to the finale. I assume this brothal has a portal to the devourer church where they all will meet up with Bree. Be patient grasshopper and enjoy the show.
Congrats on 250 sir!! Hell of a ride so far. Ironicly enough Beddigan looks like he’s also gonna get a hell of a ride too!!
Thank you!
50 shades of plasma hehehe
ghost sex… nothing more need be said
This is a solid R rated comic, as long as Andrew keeps it tasteful Beddigan can get some spiritual nookie. As long as we don’t see him busting his ectoplasm all over her I think we’re in the clear.
All in favor for Beddigan to get some Spectral Suckage say Aye!
I’d rather have a quick discretion shot and then Beddi looking well and truly satisfied. Preferably cuddling her. maybe a joke about how the dead don’t need to worry about stamina. He’s been through quite a lot, after all.
Heard of getting laid in the grave, but this is not what I had pictured from the context in which the phrase is normally used…
Well… That escalated quickly.
It’s a bordello, these things happen *shrug*
Delve is at the top of my WebComic favorites, and your awesome art and sweet vote incentives keep me coming back even when I know there’s not an update to see… but this page is a new favorite of mine. I really hope Beddigan can bed her… again… and again…
But seriously, you do good work and I am grateful for what has to be the finest, and most tasteful
“Rated-R” comic on the entire internet.
Thank you!
I know that my choices of what to show and what not to show in this comic can lead to a bit of head-scratching. I remember reading more than one comment that said I should either clean it up or go all the way porn with it, but, for some reason, I feel like Delve needs to live right here in the in-between.
The in-between place is where art happens, and I like Delve all the more because of it. And while the booies are nice, I keep coming back for the awesome story that you weave.
Agreed, it’s the whole ‘tease’ thing. It’d lose it’s allure if everything was all out on show all the time. Well that and it’d just be porn, rather than art.
Are we going to have an actual sex scene? there has never been any dick touching in Delve
Looking forward to the next panel.
Also, why did she stop dripping in the last panel? is it because she needs her ghost-fluid to be produced elsewhere?
Ooh, glad someone noticed that detail.
Wait, with? Ghost sex?? How’s that even…
Never mind.
Also, first sight of sex in the entire comic (considering the amount of
nudity present in this series that’s quite an amazing feat. Even beats French graphic novel standards).
Yay! I’m out-frenching the French!
By the way, does ghost-girl simply generate droplets for show, or are the ectofluids required… elsewhere?
Um, isn’t Beddigan with the slime girl(her name alludes me) or have I made a serious mistake?
Oh, um, er… I guess I wasn’t that clear about it, now that I think about it. Also, now that I look back at Beddigan’s introduction, I can see that it would indeed imply that he and Teal were a couple. Well, this is awkward…
Actually Beddigan and Teal have more of a big brother/little sister relationship. I always saw Beddigan as a bit more protective, even fatherly toward Teal. The rat “children” he speaks of aren’t in fact his real family either. They are the rats of the Delve whom he has taken under his protection after fleeing to the dungeon in an attempt to hide from the Felinian reprisal for his part in the assassination of their god-emperor. Having not long ago lost his original wife and children under the emperor’s tyrannical regime, he wasn’t in any hurry to begin a new romantic relationship, and especially not with, as he saw Teal, an innocent young girl.
This did not prevent him from making a few flirting comments with Bree when she found herself in his care. He is, after all, still a virile and young were-rat… or, rather, he was, until Phawkes caught up with him at last.
So, if there is a mistake here, it was mine, and I apologize. I usually do not like to explain so much about the characters’ backstories and motivations outside of the comic, but, in this case, I think I may have gravely misled the readers as to the relationship between Beddigan and Teal.
As for the memories of his original wife and children… those don’t belong to him anymore.
Alright, no problem with that, besides it wouldn’t have affected my like of the comic, or perception of Beddigan, all men (and women) have their weaknesses.
time to swap some ectoplasm
This is indeed a first…I’m actually envying a one-armed dead wererat.
“What? I wouldn’t be caught dead with a necropheliac!”
You lose those inhibitions when you lose the flesh And the social stigmas.
I wonder though… If her brother died, wouldn’t his ghost be hanging around too? She never gave that detail.
Who is she again ?
we did a poll a long time ago it seems, about what will happen to these chars. (live or die) Still waiting to see. we haven’t seen bree in while or whatever happened to the her or her friends. i know its only one panel each week or 2 weeks but this is starting to get really slow.. i have been following since panel 27 and its been good. back then there was a clear plot. now it just seems that there are to many chars to try and keep a story line with each one together. that said still good art and comic.
I can say, I’ve been following this comic before it hit the hundreds and this is awesome. I haven’t been this excited for the next page since Bree first encountered the Arachnodemon. We may get an actual sex scene, Teal is regenerating to her normal ooze self and Fawkes seems to be planning big. Sure they will all tie back in to the finale. I assume this brothal has a portal to the devourer church where they all will meet up with Bree. Be patient grasshopper and enjoy the show.
And still the only thing on my mind is “I thought she was gonna fix his arm”.
Well… She is going to make his limb grow, so close enough?
Hmmm…Drowned woman. I’m getting something of a Rusalka vibe from this…
And the bit of a dialogue at the end is actually great as well! ;))
They’re gonna make ghost babies with sexy ghost butts.