I envisioned this page much differently when I first saw it in my head, years ago.

I saw the Dracomage mocking Brian for his weakness, disgusted and shouting at him, and Brian too far gone to care.

I tried to draw it that way, but the pencil wouldn’t move on the paper. That’s not who these guys are now, not anymore.

Maybe that’s not who I am anymore either.

I don’t know.

For anybody that ever finds themselves in this place… well, it’s easy for me standing where I’m standing now to tell you to reach out and get the help you need, but I remember how alone and isolated you feel when you’re at the bottom of that fucking hole.

Just know this, you’re never as alone as you think you are, and, even in the darkness, there are shadows on your side.

So, take your finger off that trigger and get some rest.

You’ve got a long road ahead of you, and people you don’t even know are counting on you.